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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does one need in order to be happy?

Question:This question stems from comments by another reader, and it got me thinking, what is it that makes someone happy?

Is it a combination of elements, a magical conconction of circumstances that create the perfect environment for happiness?

Can we overcome negative experiences and find it in adulthood? What is the secret to be GENUINELY happy?

I'm not even sure that it is possible to truly always BE happy. It's a roller coaster kind of thing, and that it's more a matter of choosing to be in the light rather than the darkness kind of thing, and for the most part most of us are in the middle.

Does that make sense? Your thoughts on happiness?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This question stems from comments by another reader, and it got me thinking, what is it that makes someone happy?

Is it a combination of elements, a magical conconction of circumstances that create the perfect environment for happiness?

Can we overcome negative experiences and find it in adulthood? What is the secret to be GENUINELY happy?

I'm not even sure that it is possible to truly always BE happy. It's a roller coaster kind of thing, and that it's more a matter of choosing to be in the light rather than the darkness kind of thing, and for the most part most of us are in the middle.

Does that make sense? Your thoughts on happiness?

I think if yer not afraid to go out and grab life by the nutty Buddies, then you will most likely be happy, because they will most likely have the things they want in life. It's the people who sit around and wait for life to hand them something great, that seem the most unhappy.
There is a bit of luck involved, as well. Some people get dealt a bad hand right outta the gate. And it's up to them if they want to rise up and overcome, or wallow in their own self pity......With all that being said, I'd have to say that, ultimately, happiness is a choice.

honest self reflection

Leading a virtuous life, in harmony with nature and of service to others. the world and all that is in it will be yours.

peace and love

happiness can be reached through contentment and acceptance that life constantly changes.

To rephrase the question: What does one NOT need to be happy? One does not need anything; it is our very nature to be happy. Therefore, abandoning hope in externals and their impermanent, unsatisfying offerings, allow attention to go to the Self. One way to do this is to ask" "Who am I?'

Money, comfort, peace, health , and contentment

Happiness is knowing how to accept yourself and others. That's the real happiness for me, that lasts. I feel happy to receive nice gifts or go on great trips, but that doesn't give me happiness long term.

Happiness for me is a choice, no matter where I am, who I'm with or what economic circumstances I'm in.

In order for anyone to be Happy, is to be Happy for what the Good Lord has provided for us, I am Happy for what I have had so far in my Life, and for that I thank our Lord for it.
A Husband of almost 50 years coming this June, a big Family of Seven kids all Married and Children of their own, Who are the Apple of my Eyes, and a Great-Grandchild, what more can I want, since I came from a Family of Abusive Parents, I am grateful for what I have accomplished in my Lifetime.

According to Buddha attachments and aversions make us unhappy. Lao tzu says "he who is content is the richest (read happiest). But i personally believe that both sorrow and happiness are sides of the same coin and we would not know one without the other. It is like being familiar with darkness to know what light means.

Just let go of all demands on this moment and simply be.

Good self image
(feeling good about yourself)

If money is your source of happiness, how do you feel when it's taken away? When circumstances provide your happiness, how do you feel when they are bad? When friends are the source of your happiness, how do you feel, when they become your enemies? The answer is obvious: crappy!!! So how can you depend on such things to bring you true, lasting happiness, throughout your living days? So let me tell you, the true source of happiness is not what you find in the material, in that which is visible. It can be found in that which is not tangible, and is invisible- your faith. Christianity. True happiness can only be found in a person's soul, in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Happiness can only be gained from what you can take with you in eternity. You must realize that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for your eternal salvation, wiping away your sins if you believe in Him as the Perfect Savior to all. This is critical and the base to any true happiness. Next, comes learning and applying the Lord's teachings, which can give you a deep, real inner-happiness. However, we all have our bad days, and bad things happen to sometimes break that happiness. However, with Jesus Christ as your base for happiness, you know that He is always for you and never against you. If you trust in Him, He will lead you down a path of happiness.
That is the way to true happiness... the only path to that happy road.

Humans are primates, we are not "designed' to sit around in some blissful state. We are aware of our surroundings and vigilant for survival.

This idea of perpetual perfect happiness is an illusion.

strong desire brings anxiety. But you can be happy and anxious. Having great wealth brings much ability, but you can be happy with very little. Being surrounded by friends and fans can be as lonely as any might fear. while spending time with one man can be fulfilling.
Happiness stems from being contented with what you have, and having faith that your tomorrow will be just as fulfilling. Purpose of life, once chosen, can provide you a road to travel. with purpose, you can be contented with your part in this world.

The truth for me is that happiness is a state of mind. I can have everything or nothing and still want. I can have nothing and be content.
It is my mind set.

I'll start with something i read and i have posted on my desk.
"Happiness isn't something you experience, its something you remember"
It is in all of us to overcome negative experiences, it just may be harder for some than others. We will all experience highs and lows in our life. Its up to us to overcome and find the positive in all aspects of our life. Can one always be happy--definitely not--but we can certainly try. We are ultimately responsible for our own happiness and if you find yourself in a situation that you do not feel happy you are the one who needs to figure out how to get out and make the most of it. We make our own happiness and if you can find it in your self to spread happiness it might just be contagious. At least I would hope that happiness can be contagious--if others are willing to accept it. Again, there will always be sad parts of our life (death for instance) however we must grieve and then we should also move on. In death there are different kinds, an actual death of a person, a death of a friendship, a death of a dream and so on. The hard part is to find the strength to move on and sometimes it takes longer than others but the ultimate goal is to move on and to continue to find happiness.

Mental peace and tolerence :-)

Pleasure is good conversation, good friends, good food, good wine, and good moderation.

--Epicures, who believed that the purpose of life was pleasure, and that happiness was the absence of pain.

A sense of self. Being honest and content with who you are, not what others feel you should be.

To be able to give and receive love.
To have the honor to "give back"
to mankind and contribute.
To be affirmed and validated by friends and family and do the same in return.

A warm puppy and kitty.

We cannot be happy all the time, most of the time we reflect on how we WERE happy rather than concentrating on thinking positively at present. This is why many people are unhappy


If you want to be happy and achieve peace of mind, you do so by leading a virtuous life, and like doing what you have to do (being honest, brave, courageous etc) according to Aristotle. Things related to success honor, pride and materialism do not constitute happiness.

Knowing and Accepting including stupidity sometime.