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Question:common sense sweetie

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: common sense sweetie

common sense

Common sense.

Kindness, over both of them.

both go hand in hand

to me, common sense.

probably cause that is all i have.

Intelligence is the ability to problem solve. Common sense is the ability to problem solve right now. Both are the same thing, just different forms.

common sense but to be intelligent too is a great sometime ones leads to the other (sometimes)

Common can go so far on just having a good sense of where you are and whats around. I have twin brothers, and one is very intelligent, and one not so much, but has great common sense. My intelligent brother's intelligence is completely overlooked because he lacks the mental capacity that drives his senses. Whereas, my brother with a greater amount of common sense, is well liked, and admired by many.

intelligence which means yu have everything including the common sense

intelligence is synonymous with natural thinking ability and grasping power while common sense according to myself is more of a self awareness, present consciousness and ability to hold and learn from past experiences.

common sense makes the intelligent person even more intelligent and the average person smart.

common sense is more important.

common sense

Common sense. You could be the most intelligent person in the world, but without common sense, you're just a dumb@ss.

You need to be intelligent to apply common sense.

It is impossible to have common sense without a certain amount of intelligence. Common sense, however, can often lead us astray. It tells the extremely naive, for example, that the world is flat.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

You can't have intelligence with out common sense.

common sense.

I think the two are synonymous...I dont consider someone intelligent if he/she does not have common sense- common sense for me is blatantly obvious and I feel like it should be for everyone else as well...

common sense.
It's an oxymoron.
It's not very common at all.

common sense keeps you alive

Hi Sweet Judy,
There are people who are Intelligence But have KNOW common sense at all.. Common Sense is the one to go with My Friend..
A Friend,

P.S. Sweet Judy I need to call it a night since it is 2:54AM and I have drink to much tonight My Friend.. I need to go Night Night Before I fall down My Friend..
A Friend,

A mixture of both would be ideal but, common sense is a good quality to have.