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Position:Home>Philosophy> Lets play god: If you had to end the whole world and kill everyone on it, how wo

Question:don't be sad- this is a happy question because you are sending them all to heaven, first class

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: don't be sad- this is a happy question because you are sending them all to heaven, first class

The Vonnegutian way. I would make reproduction impossible. It would take near 100 years, but it would be well worth it!

Some way that denied the laws of physics...
Makes for a better story.

Stop sustaining them.

No im sending 99% to their grave period, they are unworthy of even hell. I would convert oxygene to chlorine, and make it rain hydrochloric acid. make em suffer on their way out.

Probably god would destroy the world by crucifying everyone as we did with jesus. And the people who believed in him, he would carry them in his hands and fly to heaven like superman!
I don't know if there's people still believing such a silly story.
Remember the bible was written by the same people who said the earth was flat.
There's not anything reliable in this world, so believe whatever you want.

if I had to kill everyone on the planet... they certainly would not inherit a heaven... As god I would send illnesses, hurricanes, wait that's happening now... because of religion the human race is cursed.. because they lie... no heaven no hell... just getting rid of an old problem.

it will happen 500 billion years from now don't worry.

A flood -caused by global warming, maybe?

Well since this is in the philosophy section, lets make it sound as such...

And as the grains of sand fell, and the peoples of the world continued their lives, the gods became angered. After being ignored as such for a great time, they called down to all the peoples of the nations, and asked them,

"Why have you forgotten us as such? WE are you're masters... WE are you're creators... and WE are you're sustainers!"

The people feared for their lives and hid from the gods...

"You have hidden from our power and wisdom long enough! As payment of the debt you owe us, we demand for every raindrop fallen a soul! We demand for every crop planted a village! For every coin mercantiled a firstborn!"

And from the heaven's came the anger and spite of forgotten powers, bearing down upon the helpless victims with thunder and fire.

And chaos reigned again.

turn off the sun

I would set a surprises..there would have to be a few crying,no pushing/shoving...I know everybody wants to go.......You will all go and watch the last sunset....go to bed....I'll wait till you're asleep and then I'll pull the plug.....all gone!!

Do you mean just humans or all life? If just humans, the only way is a species-specific virus, the flu or such. I'm not too interested in thinking about eradicating ALL life!

I would make everyone watch the view 24/7 until they drop dead. I'm a cruel god and demand more then the average 10%

The same way I'm doing it now... By letting man's own self be the better answer to that question and by letting him do to himself exactly what he is doing, this slow degradation into the slime pits of carbon crude to be useful for the next generation of energy consumers who think they can do a better job than the last.

if i was God, no one could make me or demand that i had to do anything. but in my religion and belief system, that question makes no sense because of our answer to thwe question- what is God?

Just sleep, nothing painful or cruel. but it would have no effect on animals or the enviroment, at least we could give that a second chance.

Two options.
1. Die. When this ego is dead the entire universe is snuffed out to that ego.

2. Make the sun go supernova and vaporize the entire earth in a flash.

God does not kill.

I'd just end the world straight. Like vaporize it or something. Nobody likes a slow and painful death. But there's really no point to it since the world will end someday and everyone will die with it, be it by global warming or some other means no one ever thought of.