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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is a life without remorse a meaningless one?

Question:A life without remorse is as a mass of marble without a shape. We were meant for great things, as many before us have shown. And without remorse, we cannot propel our minds forward to a state upon which we can discover greatness.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A life without remorse is as a mass of marble without a shape. We were meant for great things, as many before us have shown. And without remorse, we cannot propel our minds forward to a state upon which we can discover greatness.

No, you can do something and not believe you have to be remorseful b/c you are correct... and besides there are many other things that make life meaningful.

my life isn't meaningless

That depends entirely on what you did with your life, so no, not necessarily.

all lives are meaningless

so are you saying that meaning is given by remorse. that seems kind of silly

Yes, if you have reason to feel remorse and
you are too callous for that. It becomes meaningful if you express remorse for a life ill-lived, or have no reason to be remorseful.

Well, the people who live without remorse don't seem to feel it's meaningless.
(I am NOT one of these people)

I guess what you're trying to say is that one feels remorseful about things he/she has done wrong. If you take chances and don't live your life based on some standard than you're bound to make mistakes about which one would feel remorseful.
For some, life is lived to its fullest when it's lived with some spontaneity others enjoy a more conservative lifestyle. No one can determine the meaningfulness of ones life except for the individual him/herself.
This is a matter of subjectivity so the greatest answer of all is the one that sounds the truest to you.

A person who has no remorse is still a person and in their reality their life is meaningful.
Those people are called sociopaths. They creat their own reality and distore thing to fit their reality.
Even if a person has no remorse concering a thing or two in life, they still can have meaning in their lives.

I am sure I will regret saying this, but "no".


Nope, it's fun.

Love and blessings Don