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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is chaos beautiful?

Question:From a distance yes it's beautiful .

In a chaotic situation , there is potential for something interesting to happen, not that we don't fear chaos but chaos can be refreshing .

Why do people stop to stare at accidents in the middle of the road? It's a morbid fascination .I dunno.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: From a distance yes it's beautiful .

In a chaotic situation , there is potential for something interesting to happen, not that we don't fear chaos but chaos can be refreshing .

Why do people stop to stare at accidents in the middle of the road? It's a morbid fascination .I dunno.

yes, but then again remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder... to each his own... I think being unique, different, and still true to yourself is beautiful.

I personally don't think so.

1. a state of extreme confusion and disorder
2. the formless and disordered state of matter before the creation of the cosmos
3. (Greek mythology) the most ancient of gods; the personification of the infinity of space preceding creation of the universe

What is beautiful about that?

it is from time to time but never permanently.

Chaos, when seen and perceived through the minds eye, is beautiful in a way impossible to say. There is no such thing as chaos, yet there is nothing BUT chaos. Chaos is the only thing that drives mankind onward...


Never seen it.

I would guess no.

If you think it is.

Chaos can be beautiful when it is ordered, and order is beautiful when it is chaos.
Not everything is as it first appears.

Sure. Without chaos, there is no order.

Is beautiful chaos? Take a look at the world of modeling. Beauty is chaos. People are crazy. I am crazy, and so do you. Don't deny it, we all do crazy things; and it's fun right? Give me crazy, and I'll give you love.

Depends. Are you the three year old making it or the mother that has to clean it up?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. First lets look at some definitions of chaos:
cha·os –noun
1. a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.
2. any confused, disorderly mass: a chaos of meaningless phrases.
3. the infinity of space or formless matter supposed to have preceded the existence of the ordered universe.
4. (initial capital letter) the personification of this in any of several ancient Greek myths.
5. Obsolete. a chasm or abyss.
[Origin: 1400–50; late ME < L < Gk; akin to chasm, yawn, gape]

—Synonyms 1. disarray, jumble, turmoil, tumult.
—Antonyms 1. order, peace, calm.

Most of these definitions carry a negative connotation - compare the synonyms to the antonyms. The antonyms have a better feel than the synonyms to most people - we humans seem to intuitively prefer order, peace and calm. Serenity seems to be a desirable state of being.

However there are the "Chaos Junkies" that seem to strive to manufacture chaos and trive / enjoy the state. Generally such people are disliked and considered unfortunate.

But look back at definition 4. Now we are getting into the scientific and spiritual realm. For the initiated and open minded much beauty can be found here.

Consider Chaos theory (see the book by Glick). When chaos is put in a mathematical frame it becomes less threatening and much more interesting. Absolute randomness appears to be impossible - patterns seem to be present in even the most disordered phenomena.

Check out "fractal" images - they are beautiful. Look at clouds, patterns in forests, pattern in stock prices etc. Chaos theory helps explain things.

To me that is beautiful. But then again "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".