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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you had a chance to teleport back to the middle ages with no weapon and had t

Question:Or would you be to scared to give up your comfort zone for a taste of real adventure?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or would you be to scared to give up your comfort zone for a taste of real adventure?


in addition, reading MJR's comment, I wonder why it is always assumed that people who live in squalor or other bad situations are perpetually depressed and miserable. It's a ridiculous assumption and patently untrue.

It was a particularly uncomfortable period for almost everybody, so I'll pass.

I'd like to know what the idiots who excommunicated Galileo were thinking? Could I take some antibiotics with me?or some soap

Will I have the proper attire and some money. Otherwise I would end up burned as a witch or starve to death. Almost forgot, do I get to pick the time of the middle ages and the location to where I will be sent?

Yes...England early 1300's.

I am not real I would like to be a prioress and live the life of a nun for a month....not so weird really...the nuns of that period were the real money holders of the church..they chose a life of poverty but their poverty was nothing like that of the common people.

I would enjoy the life of solitude for a one would look for me there.......hee hee.

No, because it would not be me anymore, my personal identity will be lost.

why are they the two choices? there were diseases, you could be arrested and killed for whatever reason the authorities decided. it was no picnic

Well, it would depend on a lot of things: would I be safe? Would I be considered a warlock and burned at the stake? Would I be admired by kings or priests? Would I be hanging out with ruffians, toasting "'Ere's looking at you, mate", and fear getting my throat slit? Would I live in a cold castle or sleep on the dirt floor of a frigid hovel? No music? No Burger King? The only thing they had that we have now is a war in the Middle East. Some things never change. No, thanks!

Totally, it's been a (tame) fantasy of mine for a long time.

Imagine explaining the types of technology we'll have in the future to someone from that age. Imagine explaining principles of flight, medicine, physics, geography, basically ALL the sciences. You'd be the smartest person in the world!

You'd just have to finesse who you talked with and how you presented it so they wouldn't brand you as a heretic and burn you at the stake.

baseless romanticism

When romanticists think of the medieval period, they think of far away castles, gallant knights, majestic kings, and beautiful maidens.

The reality is that you had the manor lords who were the absolute rulers of their subjects. The serfs were, quite literally, regarded as the property of their lord and subject to his complete whim. Serfs lived as subsistence farmers, always on the doorstep of starvation if the crops failed or the horse or cow died. Towns were cesspools of filth and disease. People poured their excrement in the streets where children played. Multiple families lived in single room tenements with floors of straw and walls made from pieces of wood Jury-rigged together, and there was no plumbing, no sewers, and no running water. Fires were common and brutal, and left thousands with little more than the shirts on their backs. Life expectancies were below 30. It was not uncommon to find orphaned children laying dead in the streets from literally starving to death. In fact, medieval censuses conducted drew the poverty line at the cost of enough food to keep oneself alive. People below the poverty line literally could not afford crusts of bread to keep them alive. And anywhere from 30 to 50% of the population lived at or below the poverty line.

So if you are asking if my idea of adventure would be living in these kinds of environments, my answer would be a resounding hell no. When I want adventure, I go hiking, scuba diving, skiing, or go take a road trip to a major city. Not mucking around in a excrement filled city that stinks of disease and people who haven't bathed in over a year, working desperately just to keep myself alive.

No, thanks. I enjoy my life with all its comforts way too much.

I enjoyed studying that time period and know enough that the stench alone would probably topple me. People taking twice yearly baths are not my cup of tea never mind no sewage facilities.

Yeah I'd either go see Eric the Viking or Columbus sail to America. Or want to be with Leonardo Da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa or show me some of his many favorite inventions.

Hell yeah,
As long as I could take soap, deodorant & loo paper.