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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are the best answers found in the unlikeliest of places?

Question:I seem to find the best answer in the unlikeliest ppl though... go figure!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I seem to find the best answer in the unlikeliest ppl though... go figure!

Well only until you learn where to look for them. I am the likeliest place to find a best answer, so now its no longer unlikely for you to find one.

The best answers can be found anywhere. The most memorable are found in the unlikeliest places.

They can be, sometimes!

The only answer is: "Not necessarily." Therefore the answer in black and white is, "No."

Now if you had said SOME of the best answers....the answer would be yes.

Sometimes. Like in Yahoo Answers? LOL!

Yes they can be!!...... and if we are looking at ourselves, then the answers are within us!!

Once I found one in the drawer of my refrigerator, under the strawberries. I had forgotten to throw the berries away, although I knew I wouldn’t be home for two weeks.

The question was, “How do you feel about people who smile constantly, even when they are angry?”

And I wrote “moldy ‘cheese’ ”.