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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are the Philosophical differences between Cat People and Dog People......?

Question:Dog people leave the toilet lid up. This has deep philosophical ramifications. What kind of person leaves lid up or down? Two whole different ways of looking at their relationship with the universe and reality in general.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Dog people leave the toilet lid up. This has deep philosophical ramifications. What kind of person leaves lid up or down? Two whole different ways of looking at their relationship with the universe and reality in general.

Dog people are more trustworthy. Dogs are more trusting animals then cats, therefore their masters are as well. Dog people are more adventurous and daring.

Cat people have more perspective and are cool under fire. Who would you want taking that call at 3am?" A dog person?

I see cat people as less insecure
I see dog people as more dependent and emotive
I don't like pets 'cause they die.

Cat people are more mysterious and exotic.
Dog people are easy and comfortable and ready to play.