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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it better to have been born and short than to never have been born at tall?

Question:I'm 5'6" but would give up even a few more inches in height for better facial features.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 5'6" but would give up even a few more inches in height for better facial features.

Love it! short people also comprise the bulk of the ranks of the managrment world (mainly Chinese and other Asiatics).

Forsythe Wickiwalk was born without thighs, so was quite short But he invented an electric elevator device that would raise him, somewhat precariousy to a height sufficient for kissing a girl. The girl was Mae West, who lovingly welcomed this strange Wickiwalk to her boudoir. She had not achieved her fabulous fame by then.
Forsythe accomodated her that day to such a degree that she financed putting his wonderful leg extension device on the market.
And She soon was working on an extension device much dearer (I needn't tell you what) to her heart. ..a 'doodilas' as she called it.
Forsythe was given first shot at her with the enormous 'doodilas (as he even picked up on calling it)

The doodilas, in perfect bombing range, strapped around Forsythe's waist, with a sturdy long cord attached to the chandelier, perfected his position. He was held in abeyance until the giant boidoir gelding was instructed to release him on Mae's order. Forsythe would come like an arrow through the large arching double-doorway.

Alas! Catastrophe! The gelding's mighty toss was so prodigious, that Forsythe was not seen again. There had been a great slupping sound and then he was gone.
Mae began crying at his sudden absense, but then almost immediately sensed where the mighty toss had put him and she was compulsed to lay back on her sumptuous sofa, her eyes twitching, obviously enjoying some new sensation,. whatever 'it' was

With this new found (and otherwise embraced 'man-vice') her new mantra became the now familar, "Why don't you come up and see me sometime, like right now, right here, this instance?"

That became her new by-line, and, she found, as she grew, that she could accommodate many more than the one 'Foresight" as she had now come to lovingly call Forsythe

"Why don't you come up and see me sometime?" May would say very seductively.

"That single leering line lead her to fame in those raunchy 1920s an 30s and with Forsythe Wickiwalk having passed on through her bladdder, many more handsone 'Foresights' would pass through her, pass through her, pass through her, ah, system, I guess. She was a 'oner, for sure. I mean I had gall-stones --whew!

A half dozen men were missing after her burial, never to be found. We know they fell valliantly doing their daffy Wickiwalk through the Queen of the Silver Screen.


yes and be grateful

lol good one!

Not the best imagined situation for the point of the question...How about whether it is better to be born and diseased or crippled, than never to have been born at all. Shortness is not the worst thing that can happen to someone.

Wasn't going to answer until I got the joke. HA!
I love puns but I'm short on talent.