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Position:Home>Philosophy> Wouldn't it be better to be the 2nd or 3rd wife or a great man than the only

Question:Biologically speaking of course.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Biologically speaking of course.

for every woman, 'the great man' means different. for some he may be politically great, for some economically great, for some academically, for some celebrity, for some muscular.

but one thing will be commonly demanded by every woman from these so-called great men that they should have quality of being passionate lover.

Now these great men are great because of their passion for their achievements in the fields of their passion, say industry, education, arts, science, etc.

And here their interest in Second wife will be Tasted, as the first wife will always be around him. and when the second wife wants love, he may not be that Great, as far as his name goes. and Second wife will be just like spare wheel , tobe used only when one of the other tyres fail.

It is better to be without husband rather than be second or third wife.

But the hormonal effect is such that it makes one blind in the name of Love and women fall for such greatmen at the cost of their legitimate rights, and respect due to them

hey, my third wife said i was a slimeball, dangit!

Behind every great man is more than one great woman...we couldn't do it alone...we need alot of help.

I am working on greatness. See me then.

My first wife kept her slimeball

if you mean biologically... in terms of procreation, no marriage needed just one or two nights should do it... if you are the one wife of a slime ball there is something called divorce... we should take advantage of that and learn from our mistakes... never take second place in love.. that in itself would bring on less to your children who deserve to see themselves as the product of the first...

It's better to be able to provide for yourself and be wife to no man.

I choose door number three. I'd be better off single.

It's best of all to respect yourself, and do nothing that diminishes you in your own eyes. That at least makes it more likely biologically that you'll breed human beings who can be respected and valued for who they are, and what they do, rather than only for what they've got.