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Position:Home>Philosophy> I think Jazz is very spiritual. What music to you find touches your being?

Question:i love jazz it's the music they play in heavean.John Coltrane is giving God lessons on the tenor sax.Art Pepper is teaching St Peter to play alto and Miles Davies is performing tonight and every night for eternity.when i die i Will take my tenor sax with me.I've made reservations. Art Pepper is my all time fave rave.but of course Coltrane is God in another form.As for a favourite piece listen to Coltrane's Out of this World.Or Monks Mysterioso.Kieth Jarret play some sublime music on Personal Mountains.but if you want sublime listen to Steve Lacy's' In the bath' from Moments its pure swing.And what about Mingus on 'Orange was the color of her dress then blue silk.' or A love supreme' Coltrane.
I'm also a fan of Verde.Puccini,i find if i listen to too much Wagner.I always get the urge to invade Poland.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i love jazz it's the music they play in heavean.John Coltrane is giving God lessons on the tenor sax.Art Pepper is teaching St Peter to play alto and Miles Davies is performing tonight and every night for eternity.when i die i Will take my tenor sax with me.I've made reservations. Art Pepper is my all time fave rave.but of course Coltrane is God in another form.As for a favourite piece listen to Coltrane's Out of this World.Or Monks Mysterioso.Kieth Jarret play some sublime music on Personal Mountains.but if you want sublime listen to Steve Lacy's' In the bath' from Moments its pure swing.And what about Mingus on 'Orange was the color of her dress then blue silk.' or A love supreme' Coltrane.
I'm also a fan of Verde.Puccini,i find if i listen to too much Wagner.I always get the urge to invade Poland.

Opera. Try the "Hebrew Slaves' Chorus" or something from Wagner's "Parsifal".... it moves me.

When I want music that touches my very soul, I put on Mozart. I swear that he is speaking to me through the ages, through his music. I have never known such perfection, and there is no other music that puts me in such a blissful state. I know exactly how you feel Jazz--that is the way I feel about Mozart.

None I'm not that pretentious


Some jazz... it's loose and spontanious.

Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach. Classical Indian music. Devotional. Choruses.

"Pie Jesu" sung by the Kings Collage Choir.

the beatles

Lots of different genres for different moods/times of day & night etc.