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Position:Home>Philosophy> At what AGE did you discover yourself AS A PERSON ?

Question:At what age did you COMPLETELY understand what you BELIEVE IN? what you stand for? what your PURPOSE is ? What you like and dislike ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: At what age did you COMPLETELY understand what you BELIEVE IN? what you stand for? what your PURPOSE is ? What you like and dislike ?

Late teens ~ I had it pretty well wrapped up how I felt about most things. Turned atheist then; left my parents house; chose a path of good, not evil; knew how important it was to be true to myself. Pretty basic stuff. :-) Been fine tuning ever since. lol

not yet

I'm 21 and I still havent discovered myself yet. I'm still looking. Have you seen me?

i havent yet. but i'm only fifteen. i did think i did though. a while ago

Age 42... It hasn't happened yet

14 :] my age now, i know what im gonna do in life, i know who i am. i know my sexuality, i know what i live for.

I started to grasp it in my late 30s but I'm still evolving, so it changes a little all the time.

I basically realized in 5th or 6th grade my eyes started to open it and i completetly discovered in 9th grade but i choose to ignore certain things because i like drama:)

Around when I was fourteen and a half, or so. I guess sometime last year was when I reached 'Self Actualization' to the highest extent as could be reasonably stated.

There is no end to self discovery i think

I had my son almost 15 months ago and within this time I have done the most soul searching and have truly discovered the different things I believe in and how important certain political subjects are. I'm still just begun and I know it will be a long time until I "completely" understand

I am fifteen and I think that I am a pawn in the ever expanding society. Always being knocked over and taken away. always controlled by the king and never to take a break till my downfall. Waiting for my master to take me or break me or run like hell and find a society of out casts who are the strongest of everyone in the world.

18..3 years ago. I just finally realized who I am, what I gonna do when I entered university. I've learned a lot there..

In my mid 40's
and more and more each year. Progress is good

It started at 23 and its still going on.

There is no age. What you believe in, stand for, your purpose is and what you like and dislike will constantly change by time and wisdom. It is the journey of life...a great thing!

I am 49 and loving every second ~

when i realised life is on-going in all realities.

im not sure what age but i mean progressively its been over the years going on 18. I know what i like and what i dont like but i still have a lot to learn and experience. as for what i believe i know a lot about what i think are the right morals and what seems to be wrong. i dont think there is an exactly age that you realize it.. its just a natural thing over the years

I think there is no certainty in the age at which you reach this process that probably takes all your life to develop. It all depends on the environment and life experiences which will eventually make you realize the purpose to your existence. As well, beliefs, and virtues come in some time but there are points in life when you need some loneliness to reflect upon these matters. Only being conscious of the past and the paths you're taking through life, actions, and internal thoughts will help you reach the answer to these questions.
I personally am aware of some of this questions but I haven't found the purpose of my own life because this will only come with time.


I'm still discovering!
And developing!

Life is a journey of self discovery . Wow!!! How corny did that sound? Its true though. The good times and bad times, help mold and shape you. We are all in a state of "becoming" . I am 44 and I am still growing and learning.

i am now 16 years and i am still discovering more and more.........
pray for me

i think anyone won't COMPLETLY discover him/her self or it will be boring living with discovering:)

I'm still learning, but I've certainly come to discover more about and accept myself more during the last few months...
{I'm nearly 26}

early through mid 30s... (and still continuing)

getting clean and sober kinda does that.

in grades 7-9 (i'm in 9th now) i've learned so much about myself, more than i have in my whole life, i'm still finding out new things about myself too

ya'know, you'd think after being me for 14 years, i'd have me all figured out, apparently not

Things changes a lots. My likes and dislikes are always different. I loves and I hates. Happy now sad later and vice versa. I walk, and I run. I work hard, and I play hard. Happiness is here, and happiness is over there. You live today, and die tomorrow. Is there tomorrow? Or is there just today? If you read this answer tomorrow, would it be that you are reading it today? So what did you read yesterday? Did you record it? Was it supposed to be record? I don't know. May be the answer will come to me at my death bed. Have a nice life.


When I turned 24

i would say in a persons 20's usually... they're the age for discovering oneself..