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Question:Or should it be I think theirfore I think I am?
What are your thoughts on these two sayings?
As always I ask this with Metta

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or should it be I think theirfore I think I am?
What are your thoughts on these two sayings?
As always I ask this with Metta

Descartes' Cogito (Cogito ergo sum > I think; therefore, I am) is nothing more than an affirmation of the first person singular present indicative. Your "I think. Therefore I think I am" is a very clever extension of Descartes' remark.

But really, saying "I think; therefore I am" is no more significant a statement than "I walk down the street; therefore, I am" or "I s.h.i.t; therefore, I am."

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

I think that I think therfore I think that I am.

Love and blessings Don

It's more accurate to say I am there for I think, for when the day comes that I am no more, I shall be able to think no more...

for there are many who exist and are yet lack the capacity to think... Only one who can know what they think from what others tell them to think can know who they are.

Descartes' foray into philosophy wasn't all that productive. I have found the following two postulates necessary as a starting point in philosophical analysis:
- The world works according to rules to which the rules of logic apply. This cannot be deduced from other principles, or from evidence, but it is a necessary premise for figuring things out.
- Absent some force for change, things will work in the future in the manner that they have in the past. This generalization of Newton's law also cannot be deduced, but it is necessary if one is to be able to predict anything.

Well, first of all, the word is "therefore" not "theirfore". I presume you've taken English classes? Okay.

The statement is a very concise one. It refers to several realities:

To even be cognizant of thinking, that is proof of one's existence! It proves one is alive!

To be able to think is only a condition reserved for intelligent beings who are existent in the form of life. One must be alive and existent in order to think, even though, plants do not have brains as we know them.

HOWEVER: we do not really know if plants think or not, there is evidence they may actually think! Scientific research has discovered that when certain caterpillars and worms arrive in a colony of some plants, those plants tend to excrete moist fluids which repel and make untasty those plants' leaves! It seems they communicate with one another before those worms or caterpillars spread, and they all react alike at the same time to repel those voracious animals! Didn't save my tomato plants from the huge monarch butterfly caterpillar, however!

This is in line with the discovery a few years ago that certain beetles' young make vibrations on plant stems and branches that alert the much larger mother beetle of the presence of wasps or ants, and she comes to their rescue! I am not making that up!

So, to be or not to be, that is not the question.

Actually, I would say - I think, therefore, I am.


The second saying is redounding. Sorry, I would like to give you the credit to be wiser than Descartes but you cannot think that you
think or think in abstraction. Thus, "I think, therefore I am," stays on.

I think therefore I am, or Cogite ergo sum. - Descartes

I think therfore I am.

Im here because i exist not because i think, sentient beings are a bit arrogant if you ask me.

I think therefore I am.

I think, you thought, who confirm ?
Therefore I am, what you are, fool asking question 6(^-^)9