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Question:Your definition of intelligence ..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your definition of intelligence ..

The ability to understand and learn a wide range of topics quickly.

me (lol)

Intelligence for me is Knowledge.

A person that is well travelled, studied a lot of books etc.

We can all be intelligent if we're open to taking the time to learn.

Someone who is academically gifted and gets the opportunity to study - not everyone does.

it applies to to what you do. like a natural talent for golf. or shooting or math.

intelligence is only good for how it is applicable

an ability to thrive & survive in a mad world i think!

An open minded, knowledgeable thinker!

Stephen Hawkin

why do you want mine? what about the real definition?

The ability to understand things in their right context.

Open mindedness: someone who is aware of other people's thoughts as well as there own.

Someone who can hold their own in debates on various subjects.

Not necessarily A grades in every exam they have ever sat, but is experienced and has knowledge enough to give views and stick by them and provide facts.

For example, a member of my family has not done very well academically but can hold great political debates and has learned so much from their life experience that can't be taught.

The ability to understand things others find harder, especially concepts and the ability for original thought. I see it as distinct from knowledge - you can have a highly intelligent baby who doesn't know anything yet, or an intelligent adult who also has a bad memory. It's also possible to be knowledgeable (know many facts) and reel them off, without being intelligent.

intelligence for me is the ability to adapt to differing environments and how well you do it.

so an intelligent person can adapt in a prison or a hotel or a bank or even in parliament. how well they do it means they are more intelligent than someone who fairs less well

i think it's a good definition - pity society doesn't adopt it - instead we got IQ crap

intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. -blurey
basicly any one who uses y/a.-blurey

I am intelligent but not clever. I have several degrees but not that much money. Alan Sugar and Richarch Branson are clever but not necessarily intelligent.

The ability to think for oneself.

someone who is quick to comprehend things(and retain what they comprehended)


The ability to apply knowledge

Having order in your toughts.

Some one that can, understand another?
regards Keith

Intelligence is the ability to use Google to do one's own research and draw one's own conclusions.

Intelligence is the ability to be conversant in whatever one proposes him or herself to discuss as a result of expertise and experience.

Humans and animals have intelligence. It enables us to learn how to survive for a while over events we are allowed to overcome. Should something happen to man or animals,and we cease to exist, life will go on. That must mean intelligence is not really necessary in order for life to continue. Ouch! Later.


Recognised in early childhood,the individual shows signs of intellectual keenness.
Intellectual brilliance characteristics later in life can make the individual a mover of men and nations, maker and changer of destinies!

Intelligence: The ability to learn.

The ability to apply knowledge is Wisdom.