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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think EROTICISM is the prime motivator of LIFE?

Question:No, I'm celibate.

Perpetuation of life is the prime motivation for eroticism though.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No, I'm celibate.

Perpetuation of life is the prime motivation for eroticism though.

maybe if you are a hormonal teenager/young adult...

Almost, we're all hedonists; pleasure is the prime motivator.

No way. Eroticism is a very personal thing that we all interpret very differently from one human being to another.

Absolutely, it allows every human the opportunity to entertain and motivate their sexual desire to proceed and reach satisfaction that would lead to procreation which is the very purpose of life. Without such eroticism, life is a dying species waiting for death.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

No. There is no one thing that is the prime motivator of life. That is if I take your question right.
To reproduce our selves is inborn. You reckon?
To protect our selves. etc. etc. Many motivators.

To say it is THE prime motivator would make things like Honor, Fame, Power and Ambition second place to sex.

But let's be honest, we want all those other things so we can get chicks anyway, right? Well, maybe for guys?

Seriously... I wouldn't say its THE prime motivator but it certainly is high up on the scale. You should also consider that many people associate sex with power, independence, love and trust so while sex may appear to be the prime motivation... it may just serve as a guise for what the seeker is truly after.

In most of the world hunger is the prime motivator. Sigmund Freud taught that sex was the driving force behind all human activity but he was shouted down. Here in the USA where we have the most efficient agriculture in the world food is available to most everyone at low cost but not so most other places. We are oversexed because we have so much leisure time and little to occupy us compared to most other countries. It has become an obsession and not because it is used to procreate but because it is used as a social outlet.

Read Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World."

Good luck in controlling your drives, good mental health, peace and Love!