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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it better to of loved and lost than never loved at all?

Question:I have no idea. It's nice to feel love but then have your heart ripped out aint that nice, but then agin it's not nice to have never had a special connection with another person. What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have no idea. It's nice to feel love but then have your heart ripped out aint that nice, but then agin it's not nice to have never had a special connection with another person. What do you think?

I think its better to love and lose because then you'll learn and know what it's like to love (a bit of alliteration there, haha).

It sucks.

No. Loving someone and losing them is like your heart burning in hell for eternity. Thats why they say ignorance is bliss.

I think that question is equivalent in difficulty to 'So what IS the meaning of life?'. I mean, yeah I think people are tempted to say, of courrrse it's better to have loved and lost, and maybe in a perfect world where our hearts are just grateful for what we had this would be possible, but realistically, there is little pain comparable to heartache. It can truly be immeasurable, and seemingly intolerable at times. And I think that sometimes, it goes so deep for some people that sadly, they can't help but wonder if it was worth the pain and anguish at the end.

I think until you're with someone that you know will never leave you or do anything to hurt you, you're always in a state of vulnerability that you choose to accept simply by being with them. You can have the best times of your life with this person and one day they can decide you're not the one for them. How are you supposed to decide then if it really is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all?? In the end though, if you want to get through the day, I think you kind of have to force yourself to believe that it was worth it, and simply cherish what you had.

We can not experience another persons thoughts, (short of ESP, and even then it wont be a complete transfer of another person's thoughts) You are alone in your own shell of a body, your thoughts are yours, and no matter how hard you try to describe your thought you can not convey the essence of it. It's a lonely solitary existence. That is why we reach out and try to find Love, the one relationship that tends to have the best transfer of thought and understanding. (though still incomplete)

I think it's better not to have loved and lost,because you don't know what you are missing.

It's better to be loved by someone and see what love really is... You'll be amazed or may be heart broken. Don't think too much about the result...It's worth trying, u know what I's "LOVE" as no one in this world can't live without LOVE.....

For me, it's better to love and lost because it taught me what is love. Even though it's hurt me a lot.