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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you take rainbows personally?

Question:I saw a rainbow today. Majestic, beautiful the kind that just makes me realize I am holding my breath. I always take them so personally as if they are just for me. Do you ever have this feeling?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I saw a rainbow today. Majestic, beautiful the kind that just makes me realize I am holding my breath. I always take them so personally as if they are just for me. Do you ever have this feeling?

~Oh Yes~
I definitely know what you mean by that feeling.
I do that with quite of number of things...where, when I do breathe, I have to take in alot of air because I've been holding by breath for so long.


yh only 4 a while they fade v quickly That's kind of like saying "Do you purple?"

No, because I do not believe in "metaphysical mysticism." Actually, those two words should not even be used in the same sentence, but since people do, I must protest.

instintively, it feels auspicious, but i don't really believe in it.

Yep, they make me feel really happy. Just the colours stretched over the sky just makes me break into a wide grin. I know it'll be a good day when I see them.

42, The degrees of separation that makes them visible, You can only see them then so they are special an many levels.

peace and love

Rainbows to me are common occurance.
No special significant being a wonder of nature, except it is beautiful sight to witness

I don't take them personally, but when I see one I do like to stop and appreciate it's beauty.

peace )O(


yes. sometimes life hands you so much junk that you 4get what really madders and you 4get to remember the good things in life that will always be there and a rainbow helps us remember.

No, I always feel they are one of the many beautiful, fascinating things in this world that I am privileged enough to be able to witness. Maybe if people took in the beauty, they wouldn't be so keen to be destructive.

This may sound a bit pretentious but try to make sense of human beings going to war while you look at a rainbow and maybe you'll see how much the human race is missing the point.

u scare me!!!

I think they're pretty and I could stare at one/


yes I thnk its gift either fromheaven or nature,which ever you preffer. It just a short note to say I am still here and the world will undoubtedly unfold as it should no matter what.Great stuff is it not?

no. i have a feeling that they are for everyone but im the only one who cares. its sort of like, after it rains and a rainbow is painted in the sky, its like a reward that we made it throught. not through the rain but through..everything.