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Position:Home>Philosophy> What kind of previous life did you lead?

Question:If you belive that your soul or whatever existed in a previoius life, what kind of life was it. Did you make some sort of difference? What makes you think this?
I asked this because sometimes I get weird like deja vu things that I hate and I think those things happend with different people in a previous life.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you belive that your soul or whatever existed in a previoius life, what kind of life was it. Did you make some sort of difference? What makes you think this?
I asked this because sometimes I get weird like deja vu things that I hate and I think those things happend with different people in a previous life.

I think I was a prostitute or a horny house wife in my last life

i get a feeling that i used to be a pirate or at least worked on a sailing ship.

I think in my previous life, if there was one, I was a hippie chick that died from a drug overdose.

It would explain a lot.

I think I was probably either a healer or a performer. I have a pull towards both of them now, but life has taken me on a different path.

You're not weird. It happens to everyone sometimes. For the previous life question, i think i was a head of a village. I'm not sure why but for some reasons, i always want to help people out and lead them to a good finishing line, but i don't force or command them to do what i say, i convince them. And i have a good personality, too (yeah bragging kshikshshi)

Have you ever considered, that these 'Deja vu' phenomenon. Are merely, manifestations of your own "Sub-Conscious".

That has been, formed over a period of time based solely and exclusively upon your own "SUB-CONSCIOUS PAST PERCEPTION" of different things.

As far as past life is concerned, what happend then and my involvement in those events.
Happened 'THEN' and involved 'THAT PERSON, THEN'.

i think i might have done some type of martial arts~! (that 1 life...)

I have memories/flashes of several lifetimes.A significant one was during the American Civil War.I was just an ordinary southerner lady and I believe my mother in this life was my twin in that life.We both came up with the same names independantly,it's an interesting story.

The "Deja Vu" feeling comes from your mind when you dream and a part of it is possible to happen and you forget about it, then later it happens then your sub-consious tells you about that dream and will fog it up to make it seem real to make you believe it.

None of us had any previous lives, just as none of us will have any future lives after we are dead.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

My previous life was as a prisoner in Plato's Cave. When the One came back and tried to explain what he saw, I had to escape, get out, and prove him wrong. I have done that. I now know that shadows are but shadows of "things."

"I am. I think. I will.
My hands . . . My spirit . . . My sky . . . My forest . . . This earth of mine. . . .
What must I say besides? These are the words. This is the answer.
I stand here on the summit of the mountain. I lift my head and I spread my arms. This, my body and spirit, this is the end of the quest.
It is my mind which thinks, and the judgment of my mind is the only searchlight that can find the truth.
I know not if this earth on which I stand is the core of the universe or if it is but a speck of dust lost in eternity. I know not and I care not. For I know what happiness is possible to me on earth."
And it is not in the nonsense of Plato's Cave.