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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there such a thing as over-education or being over-educated?

Question:I mean in the general sense, NOT in the sense of, for example:

- Applying to be a burger-flipper with a PhD in Astrophysics
- Knowledge is power or being too smart for your own good
- Ignorance is bliss

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I mean in the general sense, NOT in the sense of, for example:

- Applying to be a burger-flipper with a PhD in Astrophysics
- Knowledge is power or being too smart for your own good
- Ignorance is bliss

Knowledge is never in abundance and no one can have too much of it.

Having a PhD and flipping burgers isn't a bad thing. In our society it can be a waste of money, but it is not bad. That knowledge will be with that person forever and it can only help them along the way.

Ignorance may be bliss to some, but I find it just the opposite. If you are ignorant to things than you don't have to deal with them, this is true. But, knowing them allows you to truly be part of your world. And I would rather be truly IN the world, than just floating by.

no learning for learning's sake is never too much.

I think there isn't such a Thing. It is just that the more you know ,the more you yearn to know more hence getting confused at times.

In the big picture, no one can be over-educated.

Man cant learn everything in the whole universe, in every category. can they?

I don't know, what basis you are asking this question from, but.
I know, of certain people who literarily make their living from purely educational sources.
Whether, they can be classified as being 'Over Educated' or not, I don't know.
I suppose it comes down to, the purpose their spending so much time studying.

I only think it is a problem when one lets their pride become a factor because of their level of education. We should always strive to learn all that we can. It is how we use it that matters.

Too much money, Too pretty, too fast cars, too INTELLIGENT?
Who you kidding?
Too much poverty, too much war, too much crime, too much corruption, I'm with you there.
How can you have too much of a good thing?

That is a more involved question than many may think. The main reason I say this is that I live in a country with well educated people with an economy with low productivity. This is probably due to an anti-intellectualism running through the society. I am concerned that the term over-educated is becoming a loaded term that means something like useless. This might become a problem, because it is not logical and the dumbing down of society curtails progress. Achieving true knowledge logically creates improvements generally and this is easily argued.

Perhaps if a person removed themselves from reality too much, then the term over educated applies. Unfortunately, the term is often used to prevent people from gaining good jobs in favour of less educated candidates. This might be an increasing problem.

I think over education is possible. It obviously allows for prejudice, such as you learn something one way and it is hard to and see an opposing view. Also thinking with your left side of the brain, keeps you holding to pride(your story) and not allowing you to be one with the world and in the Now. I think the moment is the most happy and the only way to really be there is let go of your thoughts, and that is hard if your brain is constantly stimulated

With your given examples, I'd say there is. Its like a capacity per person.

Every kind of education that is achieved under the pressure or the anxiety of not being educated is over-education.