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Position:Home>Philosophy> I think, therefore I am...?

Question:I wonder. Is this statement saying that because I think, I think myself into existence? Or does this statement mean that because I think is indicative of my existence? If the latter is true, which is my preferred interpretation (seems to make more logical sense), then how and why? Almost seems pointless considering we come into existence without anything...and leave without anything. If we don't gain much, we don't lose much. If we gain a lot, we lose a lot. What's this game about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I wonder. Is this statement saying that because I think, I think myself into existence? Or does this statement mean that because I think is indicative of my existence? If the latter is true, which is my preferred interpretation (seems to make more logical sense), then how and why? Almost seems pointless considering we come into existence without anything...and leave without anything. If we don't gain much, we don't lose much. If we gain a lot, we lose a lot. What's this game about?

I agree that it is meant as proof of our existence. I think proof is a little strong. As to the point of existence I think there is a reason that we have this awareness within this finite time period. I think finding that purpose is our primary reason for existing. I know what I believe it to be but that is through my journey. I could share it but if I can't convince you of my existence I have very little chance of convincing you of the purpose for your life.
Good luck on your journey.

If you think you are something, then you will become it. If you think you are going to be more positive, then you will. And gaining things in this life is only to fulfill needs of right now.

C'mon, thimk.

it's a "proof" that his human body and mind actually exist. it's a very poor proof by modern standards.

it's not the cause of his existence, just a proof

As I am not sure when my existence began and when it ends or if it ends,I can't answer that question.

re: the Cartesian cogito; it's the latter although he should have said, "Thinking is occurring," and where does that get you?

And what's with all that nihilism? Maybe you need a religious experience.

Je pense, donc je suis or Cogito, ergo sum is "I think, therefore I am." This saying is atributed to René Descartes.

The statement is belived to mean that being able to think is indicative of ones existance.

The statement is indubitable, Descartes argued, because even if an all-powerful demon were to try to deceive him into thinking he exists when he does not, Descartes would have to exist in order to be deceived. Therefore, whenever he thinks, he exists.

The game is what with it while we are here.We can do nothing and be nothing, or we can try to be that one "bump in the road" of life for another.We can make a difference to others and ourselves if we apply ourselves...what we learned and can share with others that they may not know. What we have learned, if others have the same dilemma, we can give them a solution not a nother problem. May all your interections on the road of life have a "green" signal.

It means that If someone can think, then that someone exists. You can think. Therefore, you exist. But there is a refutation to this...What if you are just existing in someone else's dream? When that someone wakep up, then poof! You're gone.

If you're going to "be someone" you have to think.

When you formulate your own thoughts, views, beliefs, you are being in your true existence. You are yourself. Hence "I think, therefore I am." Whatever "I am" may be is result of what you think.

Some eastern religions brought up a possibility other then creationism and evolutionism for our existence "we don't exist we just think we exist" (sounds like the matrix) Rene Descartes came up with this statement to logically combat this the previous statement "I think therefore I am" simply means that because I think I must exist physically. This statement may also have been used as a way to mock the people who believed the previous statement by implying that they do not think.

its no game the guy who said that was unsure of his own existance and his final conclusion was that if he was thinking,
he had to exist. so yes the latter

You come with potential you leave with what you have become. This only works of course if there is something after this. Whether it's God or the holographic universe, however you want to think of it, you are energy. Energy can change form but is neither created nor destroyed.

babies are without thoughts, they still are. in spite of thoughts i am, not because of it... but the ego is because of thoughts. without thoughts, no ego.