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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you a Dream Chaser ??Which Life path would you pick, OR, have you picked?

Question:The path thats Cautious but Stable, OR, the path that could make your Dreams come true "IF" you succeed (risking it all)???????????

Example: Being financially comfortable with a decent job earning decent money etc...
"Forget getting a Law degree, I want to TRY to start a Circus" (Not necessarily a Circus but you get my point, if you succeed you live the life you've always wanted, but if you fail you DON'T get a second chance to go back and change your mind)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The path thats Cautious but Stable, OR, the path that could make your Dreams come true "IF" you succeed (risking it all)???????????

Example: Being financially comfortable with a decent job earning decent money etc...
"Forget getting a Law degree, I want to TRY to start a Circus" (Not necessarily a Circus but you get my point, if you succeed you live the life you've always wanted, but if you fail you DON'T get a second chance to go back and change your mind)


in my professional life i've always known what i've wanted to do so there hasn't been a struggle's been steady, stable and i am quite good at what i do.

my personal life is another story...there i will take risk, i believe in all or nothing. i've given up the financial security of a marriage for the dream of something more real. i can go to the same job day in and day out...that doesn't bother me in the least. where i won't compromise is in my relationships. right now, i just happen to be in the best one of my life and it would have never happened if i hadn't risked everything. even if it ends i will still say it was worth it. but then again i rank my ability to give and receive love as the most important thing in my life.

determine what is important to you and go for it. you are right in that life isn't a dress the real thing, you only get one chance.

good luck!

I'm all about the big dream. a stable job that pays an "okay" income just isn't for me.

I want more out of life. I think it's sad when people settle.

id like to say im a dream chaser, but i think my nature wont allow me to do that, so probably stability and ill end up a boring middle aged man with 2 kids like the majority. great.

I chased my dream and (so far) have not suckceded... At the moment I wish I had done a uni course that was more likey to end in a job (design or architecture rather than fine art), but who knows what could have been, or what could still be

Well since I am a pessimistic Realist
I have no choice but to choose
Cautious but Stable
But I do admire Dream Chasers

You shouldn't think of everything in such extremes. Examine your motives thoroughly. I have found that if you seek anything to accomplish happiness (money) you will fail. You need to find a way to be happy without the need to achieve. Once you realize that you can actually be happy looking at a flower or witnessing the simple beauty of the world, you will no longer feel the need to seek the approval of others and therefor the you will no longer desire anything that the ego-based world has to offer. You will realize from that point of shear humility how ridiculous and petty most people really are. You will find joy in the simple bliss of inner peace while everyone seems to rush around looking for something.
I believe you should try to accomplish this before you think about your path. Your path is only an idea inside your head. The most wise advise I have everyone heard is that life really doesn't have any wrong turns, only new turns.

Bet it all!! Go for it! Cautious and Stable translate to boring and predictable to me. Throw caution to the wind, then ride the wind to wherever it takes me.

There was a time when I was much more cautious than I am now.
However, I've always held the thought that "Just because something hasn't been done before....doesn't mean it can't be done".
"Where there is a will there is a way".
"If you want to succeed, you can't be afraid to fail".

I love Adventure....and now I choose to take Risks!
Happy Dream Chasing to You!

me... I'm a dreamer with my feet on the ground most of the time... if my dream was to have circus... or whatever... I would learn from the mistakes of my past and use them to create a successful business... I like running in the middle... never hit the wall first or arrive too late to miss the really good stuff on the buffet...