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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your philosophy on life?

Question:If you had to put your philosiphy in a sentance what would it sound like?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you had to put your philosiphy in a sentance what would it sound like?

It would SOUND like Led Zeppelin's Rain Song. It would go like this, though:
As humans, we've been blessed with higher thinking and the ability to reason, but we're a species destined to fail because we haven't evolved a fail-safe that would prevent our 'superior' minds from making this planet uninhabitable for ourselves down the line. Just as evolution made us, evolution will squash us out. we are insignificant in the great scheme of things, and I'm okay with that.

sorry, more than a sentence.

when it comes to the meaning of life you're guess is as good as mine so don't tell me I'm wasting my life when I'm sleeping all day.

my philosophy is - head down *** in the air and get on with life! lol

Get them before they get me.

The purpose of life is to enjoy it, examine it and ease the suffering of others

we only gona live once and life is so short so must enjoy it to the fullest.

live each day as a test to be a better person.

try to do what you think god wants you to do

Take the life as it comes.