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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it that nowadays 50% of marriages end in divorce?

Question:Personal opinion here - people don't have character anymore and are largely selfish. You can't make a marriage and be selfish - the two are mutually exclusive.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Personal opinion here - people don't have character anymore and are largely selfish. You can't make a marriage and be selfish - the two are mutually exclusive.

Because the majority of people getting married these days are young people who are not prepared for what marriage actually brings.

Social degradation of norms due to globalisation has led to greater freedom to choose and not to be coerced into maintaining a marriage where one or both of the party are not benefiting from.

there are SOOO many reasons:
* feminism made women more willing to leave a bad marriage
* a general loosening of societal censure against divorce
* no fault divorce,

EDIT: If you think people are getting married younger now, you clearly have no concept of reality and human history

money problems, discontent, and i hear that air pollution reduces libido

because some couples don't try to work things out and it also depends on the situation that leads to getting a divorce which can be a lot of things . 1) cheating on your spouse
2) some men beat their wife , which to
means that the guy is not much
of a man.

that is just a few, but there is a lot more.

is that a real statistic or are u just guesstimating (God i hate that word).... anyway one reason more ppl are getting divorced these days is because they are getting married too young cause they get preg. when they are 15....

Global warming. That and those liberals.

Because society has evolved and now we are more liberal, we accept divorces as a natural thing (which I think it is)....the social values and morals tend to change and evolve and those statistics are just one of many reflections of that evolution.

I think the figure in the USA is maybe more than 50% among Common People.

In the not so distant past, Common People did marry and support families at younger ages. The society was constructed to encourage and support this system. The subcultures within the USA society also supported this end.

Technology contributes to this. There was a time that the people that you knew and the types of people that you knew of were the same from the time you were born until you died. Transportation advances, entertainment media, communications advances, etc change the ways we socialize. We socialize at a more rapid and unsubstantive pace. Our relationships, friendships are little more that snippets or sound-bytes. We losing the ability to be substantive and genuine with one another. We are distracted by an unloving, uncaring, de-Humanizing status quo that encourages mean-spirited mercenary behavour in favor of material gain. We are losing the ability to be friends with others and ourselves as individuals.

We have not caught our breath long enough to adapt to the external forces which are now more internal to synchronize with ourselves to know ourselves and others. We have made everyone including ourselves disposable.

Because 100percent of them start with marriage

Because people are instinctively selfish, they enter a union wondering how it could benefit them, and not the other way around.

Nowadays its ok to get divorced because everyone is doing it. Its no longer taboo.

Because 50% of people shouldn't be married.

dont no. most peopel i no. there parent are split up and so are mine.