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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does time exist or is it just a measurement to record where you are up to in you

Question:Why would its being a measurement suggest that it doesn't exist?

Time is a dimension along with height, width, depth. It's just that our brains evolved to experience the 3 spatial dimensions all at once and the time dimension one moment at a time.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why would its being a measurement suggest that it doesn't exist?

Time is a dimension along with height, width, depth. It's just that our brains evolved to experience the 3 spatial dimensions all at once and the time dimension one moment at a time.

i dont think it exists just a thing we go by but i could be wrong thats just in my opinion

you said it, you can measure it so it does exist, but can it go backwards?

ummm...interesting.accroding to me time exists for us humans as u said to record where we r up t o in life.
For God even a hundred years wud be equal to a minute.
n i dont think animals have any concept of time

Time is a figment of our imagination. It gives us a reference point for organization

time is a space in which we exist in and just like height weight we use it to measure our perseptions

there are two basic dimensions essential for all our plans and activities, namely time and space. every matter requires two answers- when and where? when is determined by 'time' and 'where' by space. in fact, we all travel in time machine and start our journey at birth and end at death and trael at the same speed. but the time machine goes on.

Time does not requires an observer in order for it to exist. However, time may change depending upon the observer's perspective. This is especially relevant when you read about space and time dilation. Space and time are relative, depending upon the observers point of view. The only constant is the speed of light. Therefore space and time must be relative.

starlight is nothing more then time , the star itself died years ago all thats left is the time between us and it . ( at least the one I'm talking about ) but that time exists , atleast for the eye , you cant tough it or smell it ..but it's there ....You also can't proove it , but hay , I seen it ~~~