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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it so hard to list positive things about ourselves...?

Question:...when it's so easy to list the negative?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...when it's so easy to list the negative?

that's a good question. i don't know the answer. maybe we are too quick to judge ourselves, maybe we want to get in there and do it before anyone else can...sort of like a defense mechanism. and as far as listing the positive things goes, often we are taught to be humble and modest, which are excellent and noble characteristics, but at the same time, it is also healthy to be able to acknowledge one's own worth and to be able to demonstrate it. moderation is key.

'I don't find it hard.. at all I am talented , pritty, artistic, friendly, funny perfectly wonderful...and soooo modest. and full of sh!t .tee heex

We are/can be our own worst critics.We can be harder on ourselves than on anyone else...

I think it's because if you do you're thought of as conceited and full of yourself.

I have a lot of positives in my life. Lovin' it!

Well when you're as awesomely perfect as I am, then it's more difficult to find the time to name everything positive, because the list just keeps going and going....

Okay...nobody give me a thumbs down, okay..I just say these things because I'm insecure. ^_^

It's good to be humble, but don't be too humble. You know what you're good at. Flaunt it, and be proud.

We tend to carry criticism on us longer than we would a complement.

And we are, after all, our own worst critic.

because, we are our own worst critics

We have become accustomed to being negative. It may be hard, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

It's just easier to find flaws in our selves than in others.

'cause we know ourselves better than anyone else...

We are our own worst critic's. If we don't see ourselves as society believes you should be, then you automatically assume that you are not normal or look right, or your clothes are not updated or whatever you might think is wrong with yourself at the time. When people learn to love themselves and find out that what you think about yourself as an individual is the only thing that really matters then everyone would be so much happier. Stop believing the magazines and what everyone else thinks and believe in what you think.

Because in our culture, we are raised with guilt being the tool most often used on us by our parents, teachers, coworkers and society in general. Always pointing out flaws first is what most people do because most people carry some insecurity. Getting a little off track for your question. I think we often take for granted the the positive things in everyday life too (a great day goes unnoticed) but a crappy day can really be complained about.

It comes from the way we were taught to critique ourselves at every turn. Look at babies. They are so self-loving. We come into the world that way, and someone feeds us the BS that we are bad or wrong, and then we take over where they left off. It is too bad really. However, once we are aware, we can begin to reverse the damage.

I am my own worst enemy... I tried to answer those questions about what I like about myself, normally I can, but meh, I dont feel so good today, its a little harder....


Many times we are to hard on ourselves or we might not like to sound conceited.


Blowing one's own horn is not such a humble trait!!!

Besides, we are always trying to pinpoint our faults/shortcomings in order to improve. Now if we thought there's nothing wrong and we are kind of perfect then there's no scope for growth....

It isn't hard. You need to believe the positive things about yourself. Every negative item on your list is your flawed impression -- evaluate it again and find the positive aspects.

Its not hard, it needs approves so, we try to avoid*