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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes you connect to others?

Question:Their intellect??Their looks??/Their honesty in life what???For me Character is everything and actions too :))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Their intellect??Their looks??/Their honesty in life what???For me Character is everything and actions too :))

Their insularity. I know it sounds strange, but I'm a strange person! I connect easiest with those who share an isolation imposed on them by their difference, real or perceived. I seem always to seek out those who seem the most out of place, the ones who dare to be themselves.
That they turn out to be intelligent, capable, independent, artistic people is a definite plus. Wouldn't matter to me if they were run of the mill "joes"....the attraction is in the sense of self.

Sounds like judgment.

Love and blessings Don

All of the reasons you listed above.


likes and dislikes is all there really is to "connect" to them!!, so if theres nothing in common, why are you friends? right?

I hate people, I love individuals. Humor, morals, and courtesy are my biggest. :)

Thier inner beauty and smile.


If we can somehow communicate (this can be done in so many different forms) then we can find a way to connect with each other.

If i think that they are about as crazy as i am

My connection with others is not in deep,I just socialize. I am a very private person .

Rita nailed it...for me, everything you mentioned
with the very important added element of complete. irreverence ...I like a wordsmith that can express themselves
with wit and humor and someone with a great sense of
adventure. I like calculated risk takers and those interested
in other cultures, languages and international travel. I'm
comfortable around accomplished people in the creative
fields and try to veer off the road to conventionality whenever

sense of humor. Ethics ranks high

...looks, intellect, wealth, etc...are not even in the running...I prefer people who "try" to do the best they can within the means provided them...this includes integrity with a loving heart

The vibration of birds of a feather. In other words none of the above. For example on Answers it is when someone appears to be traveling on one of my old paths, where I used to be, and that someone expresses a desire to progress up that path, then I am compelled to make an effort to help them. I am aware that this has gotten me into a lot of trouble in the past and still could, but I can`t help it, I feel that it is something like my duty. I guess I just want to be appreciated.
I don`t really know. I also feel that I am a bit too open. Cheers!

it is by instinct, not by awareness

Everything you mentioned, plus they have to understand my humor, a very important part of connection is laughing together.

All of the above...

Their thoughts!

their kindness


The story is told through there eyes for me .

it is your heart and brain telling you

Hmmm...I have to say Rita, for is complete acceptance of a person.
I have met some of the most amazing people...people that I never would have if I hadn't learned of acceptance...and the joy it can bring.
It makes my life adventurous to look beyond what I expect or even think that I want, from a person.
Try will be amazed!!
Quick example:
I was waiting for the rapid one day...(Ohio's version of a subway...sorta)
Anyway, it was this lady there who, on sight was sorta scarey...everyone was moving away from her and if I did too would've seemed awkward and obvious...(cant be having that) as we were waiting...she began to talk to me and tell me of her life and how her children had died in a house fire, she had been an actress in N.Y., how she buried her husband and the days of when she and him were young, she was quite frank about her life, and I was amazed at how articulate she was...I walked away, having learned alot about myself and other people, and about this one particular individual that life matter how she "seemed" to me or anyone esle.
(((sigh))) This woman taught me something...

In Peace, Love and Joy

I think for my own self its honesty.. and character..intellect comes later..Looks aint worth a hill of beans for me.

Hey Rita, I think I can pretty much connect to anyone, but what really makes me connect is personality, sense of humor.

When we let go of the obstructions to love, it fills the void, without discriminating.

Common interests matter a great deal. I've formed some friendships based upon admiring someone. Parties help in meeting new people.
As for what I find most attractive in people, it is creativity. Kindness is also a very attractive trait, which is why I have so many nurses and social workers as friends.

Connection needs a modem... if there is no modem you can not initiate any connection. Now after you have a modem you need keep an account. This is how it works with people too.

The first spark is their character in general (traits, interests, goodheartedness.. etc). Now after that there is a vital element to make a close strong relationship (whether with friends or with a beloved), it is how deep the connection is (when they let you in to the protected part in them; which they seldom show to people in general; this is where I feel they trust me, then a strong bond of a deep human relationship is established and keeps feeding on this nectar of trust and good intentions; there I feel comfortable enough not to raise a barricade between us anymore).

I believe if people have good intentions just as an innocent naive child has, such kinds of deep connections would not be excursive to close friends anymore.

I really connect to people with a keen sense of humor, intelligence & fun personality.

Especially here, no looks come in. Therefore, in Q&A I like and even love their intellect honesty is for me highly important.
Outside of here, I like intelligent people, they appeal to me, as much as their characters, actions and kindness bring cheers and good understanding of each others, and make sense of the world. I don't have many friends, but they're really good friends. I also like if I can bring to them: comfort, joy and exchange of lots of good. Friends are there for you and you're there for your friends.

Chemistry. The ability to see through the superficial.
I guess I always had some sort of affinity towards people,a patience & gentleness if you will,
but it really developed keenly in my years working with delinquents and their families, here were these kids tossed in my lap that basicallly everyone else was done with, and I had to make peace with
LOl..heck I was barely out of college myself. It was amazing, fascinating, wonderfully challenging eye opening.\
On here, reading the answers, I felt the chemistry in the answers mostly of canron4p & Mommy. I have this connection with you too, for several reasons. Rita.

Devotion through communication and respect for one-another.

Basically, for me, it is a person's positive attitude, their honesty/sincerity and, their sense of humor. Yeah, it seems strange but, as a RN., I have witnessed " too many things" that have had a long, lasting effect on me !! It's kind of strange that the majority of non-medical people think that Nurse's are uncaring or non-supportive ( yes, some Nurse's can be this way) but, this field is quite emotional and, heartbreaking. Wow !! I'm taking a stand for Nurses' responsibilities and, the " things " that we experience.