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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is originality a delusion?

Question:A little thought please. I'm hoping this question doesn't answer the other question I'm asking myself: How many morons are on Yahoo answers tonight...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A little thought please. I'm hoping this question doesn't answer the other question I'm asking myself: How many morons are on Yahoo answers tonight...

Sustained by ignorance and arrogance.

"There is nothing new under the sun."

originality has to do with creativity, delusion has to do with perception. two very different concepts.

"Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," O. M. Aivanhov,
"The Secret Power of Music," David Tame,
"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,
"The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

Originality is Plotinus' One Mind Soul-individuation, Being within the Law of the One. God is supremely creative.

What is of Origin is Self-realization, hence true origin-ality.

Originality is a delusion for many people. For your second question. Several.

Since every individual is unique in some way or the other, originality must be real even though it may not be significant in the context of the vast universe..... just think about it..... isn't your question original? I firmly believe it is as well as my answer and all other answers here are, even though many similar questions must have been asked and answered before.... since no two is 'identical', there must be at least a little in each that is original.

I don't know I accept that every idea has been thought before - but - not by me-

I am an artist and have what for me is an original idea and then find others doing similar stuff so similar it seems uncanny. Synchronicity on the boil. C.Rogers said "what is most personal is most universal"

I think thought that there is a huge difference between thinking for yourself outside the box and following trends purposely.

Mankind has grown or learnt not from the original sin for which it was cast into hell..

x number of morons p + me

In the most esoteric terms, Originality is a constant quality of the universe. Absolutely nothing can be exactly duplicated, and is therefore, totally original. But I understand that we are talking on more basic, common level.

I believe that it is possible to have thoughts that are deviant from the mainstream, and in that sense, Origiinality is possible. However, it is a function of society, that certain thoughts be curtailed in order to maintain the functioning of that society. So while in one hand, the potential exists, yet on the other, it is necessarily stifled.

Answer to question 2 first: More on then off.

Answer to question 1: Maybe.

Carl Jung postulated there were twelve personalitys in the whole of human existance and that every person had a mixture of these 12 personalities. Given all possible permutations of these basic 12, the number is hardly infinite. How much does persoanility figure into your question? Maybe a lot, maybe none at all. But consider the physical genetic similarities of all humans, the limited range of personality archetypes, and then throw in the human tendency to education in a linear way, meaning theach the same to every kid as was taught to the teachers with local data tossed in on an as it happens basis and you get a limited stream of new ideas.

So it seems originality is desired, enough to go delusional over, but maybe it just aint that common. Which is why true originality shines so bright as to eliminate the need for smoky delusions.

The answer to your question is yes, its delusional, unless it's real, then it is not delusional but who knows the difference anyway? What is original today may be simple gibberish tomorrow.

The answer is no, i mean yes, Uh, Could be. What was the question?

returning to question 2: is there a lithmus test for moronic, uh, ness?