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Position:Home>Philosophy> For nonbelievers, do you believe in karma?

Question:No. We got our personalities and identities only when our brains started to function after we were born. Once we are brain dead, we will cease to exist. We will be able to feel neither pleasure nor pain, and we will note even have the capacity to know we are dead.

It is comforting to Christians to believe that people like Hitler will go to hell. And it is also comforting to Hindus to believe that Hitler will be reincarnated as a heavily abused slave. But the reality is that Hitler simply ceased to exist once he died and that we ourselves will simply cease to exist once we are dead.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No. We got our personalities and identities only when our brains started to function after we were born. Once we are brain dead, we will cease to exist. We will be able to feel neither pleasure nor pain, and we will note even have the capacity to know we are dead.

It is comforting to Christians to believe that people like Hitler will go to hell. And it is also comforting to Hindus to believe that Hitler will be reincarnated as a heavily abused slave. But the reality is that Hitler simply ceased to exist once he died and that we ourselves will simply cease to exist once we are dead.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.


I don't think karma is a physical force, but if you do good things and choose to be happy you will create a reality that could be seen as a reward by those drowning in their own negativity.

Non-believers believe in objective reality, not other myths or superstitions...sorry.

not anymore ..............i have started to believe in free will