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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever practise SMILING?

Question:you supposed or should asked it's to a POLITICIANS , or , RELIGIOUS SCHOLAR(S).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you supposed or should asked it's to a POLITICIANS , or , RELIGIOUS SCHOLAR(S).

no, but i do it in the mirror once quick everyday before i leave- :)

yep especially before school photo day! LOL i also practice posing :S weird lol.

No because that would be wierd, stupid and a waste of time but it will also be funny.

It comes natural and I like to think I'm not pretentious.
I have nothing to prove to anyone... least of all myself.

Only before school photo day lol

I did when I was much younger. But stopped doing it when my older brother told me it was a stupid thing to do.

i do practice smiling if i'm about the get a photo taken that why i will only have to take the photo once and know what smile suits me.

Yes if only to allay the frown lines that creep upon me, Gods way of saying smile and the world smiles with you, frown and you will scare people ..!

I fail to see why one would need to practice something that is a natural reaction to pleasure. Practicing keeping a positive mental outlook would seem to be a more worthwhile endeavor.

Yes. To me a person who smiles gently is not a fake but a tranquilizer.

No. But I do smile at myself in the mirror. It is kinda hard to smile when you dont feel good. I just do it when I feel good and when I try to act a behavior out for the sake of socializing.