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Position:Home>Philosophy> Peace, love, unity, intergriy, passion?

Question:tell me what each of them means to you.
give a definition for each one.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: tell me what each of them means to you.
give a definition for each one.

Peace--harmony, serenity, stillness, accord

Peace means a day that is absent of arguments, hostility, and resentment. Peace comes with restfulness, quiet acceptance, and avoidance of each negatve or harmful thought that tries to break into my brain.

Love--adoration, devotion, dedication, commitment, caring, empathy, understanding, self-sacrifice

Love means being willing to stand in front of your best friend, if someone pointed a gun at her. Love means being willing to give up your own life for the life of your child. Love means listening to your man complain about something for the 100th time, and still feeling the need to comfort him. Love means giving up anything to follow heart. Love means caring to the point it hurts. Love means trusting another person so much that you feel safe being yourself. Love means knowing the other person so much that you can hardly know where he/she ends and you begin.

Unity--togetherness, connection, relation

Unity means coming together and sharing one thought, one ideal, one perfect moment in which two opposits become one whole.

Integrity--honesty, truthfulness, sincerity

Integrity means speaking the truth and always doing the right thing, even when the wrong thing would be easier. (and the wrong thing is usually the easiest, isn't it?) INTEGRITY is also one of the companies for which I work.

Passion--zeal, excitement, lust, yearning, craving, enthusiasm, fervor

Passion means that I want or love or crave or desire something or someone so much that I can't get enough of that thing or that person. Passion is what I feel for 18th century literature, and I am so passionate about it that I read it, live it, study it, and write about it. It consumes me. Passion =comsumption.

. Those are extremely personal feelings!!
They can't really be defined without leaving out the inner feelings. sorry.

When I read your question first thing popped in my mind was FAMILY (my husband, children, pets all working together). I can tell you what they mean to me, however I believe each word means different things to different people.