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Position:Home>Philosophy> What did you Tell Yourself, that made You Change Your Mind?

Question:That the aluminum foil chappeau does not refract attempts by aliens to control my mind.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That the aluminum foil chappeau does not refract attempts by aliens to control my mind.

eh... why not?!

I told myself to remember my ethics, and so I made a course correction.

Give up owning things and being somebody. Quit existing.

I can't afford it..

ALL IS WELL is the single most important thought that helped me start to mind my own business, the business of creating a happy fun and love filled existence. Cheers!

Change is good. Flexibility is good. Going with the flow is good. When you change your mind upon learning a better truth, you grow emotionally and intellectually.
Admitting to mistakes and learning from them helps you grow as a mature person.

I got sick and tired of being sick and tired and decided enough was enough. I discarded the bad info that kept me stuck in the same place and decided it was my turn. Turns were meant to be taken so that is what I did.

I also gave my self a voice. It no longer mattered if others did not agree with me or thought I was stupid. What mattered was if I knew in my heart it was the right thing to say and to speak up for myself. This is my life and I am going to live it with integrity, honesty and righteousness no matter who likes it or not.

Actually it was someone else that told me.
Someone very special.

dont worrie if ur drunk and cant remember lol he dont count

Who I am and accept yourself.

"i am not a human being having spiritual experiences, i am a spiritual being having a human experience"