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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is you philosophy in life...what do you think you're living for?

Question:Mine is to live...Get as wealthy as I can...Prevent death if i can...Or die. Oh, also to become a politician and Eliminate corruption in Washington, completely. sounds funny, but im serious. What's your's?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mine is to live...Get as wealthy as I can...Prevent death if i can...Or die. Oh, also to become a politician and Eliminate corruption in Washington, completely. sounds funny, but im serious. What's your's?

I probably did not understand..."Or die." So, I must respond as my mind took it. You will die.
You can not become one of them and eliminate them.
I admire your intentions. This Republic will be changed as the colonies where changed into a Republic. Revolution.



Self actualization to glorify God, and become channels of blessings to others.

To love, to help the world, to be with my family, and to see things as they truly are. Ask yourself where are you on Plato's allegory of the cave? google allegory of the cave and see your life changed

Live to Ride

Ride to Live

my philosophy in life is directed, and I think it applies universally, to happiness. although some would contend that pleasure is happiness, i think that pleasure is only an instrumental good because of its brevity and transitory nature. i would like to believe that true happiness is directing my life to God (eternal, immutable) who I believe illumines every capacities that humans possess (emotions, reason, etc.). my philosophy is to try to see justice through, and not to live for myself, but to love my neighbor as myself. fame, wealth, power are not bad in and of themselves, but like pleasure they will never be the highest good because we cannot achieve the whole, only fragments. I want to live criticizing the world, and trying to make differences, not just statements. the good in life is what makes the soul better.

Wealth of wisdom i hope. You die every day through a process of programmed cell death called hapoptosis. In fact you gain an entirely new molecular body from the one you have now every seven years. And.... eliminating corruption in DC... that is funny.

Oh, i'm not living for my own life. Because if you live your several decades, only focused on your selfish wants, as soon as your days are done- you are invisible. I am going to work to make sure that my legacy will outlive me. I want to have my children live in a better world. I want to be more concerned with the people past my time than myself. I want to put a smile on someone's face and know i made a difference. I want my voice to have great volumes. I have so many goals for my future, and so little time. But I have enough. I'm only in highschool, but my dreams are so big i feel like nothing can seperate me from them. Sorry if i sound like another typical teenager who claims she is going to change the world. But, i'm not.

mine is to live too

i am indifferent to wealth

to prevent death you have to prevent life because that is the ultimate end

elimination of corruption cannot be done because you are dealing with corruptible humans

mine is to love. "the greatest of these is love". love gives people the ability to make the most out of their lives.

i hope you succeed in everything you have listed...good luck!

im living for the meaning of life itself.
not to be the best, the richest, the smartest, the prettiest. but to just be alive. to see what the world meant to everyone before technology took its toll. before everything was based on what other people thought, before everyone needed every type of car, iPod, computer, television. i was put on this planet earth, just like each and every one of you to see what its like to live the life you love. and thats up to you, how you want to write your story. now some, have diffrent morals and some think diffrently than others, and thats not wrong. thats just not, me. i am here to find the true meaning of joy and to realize the true meaning of happiness. to understand what the world is, what nature is. what joy little things bring to people. i am living for life.

you need to appriciate everything that you have and fight for everything that you dont. because some people arent going to be as lucky as you are and some people arent going to have as much will power as you do. im here to live life, im here to live for the people who dont have enough internal power to live their life themselves.

i am here to appriciate the flawless sense of serenity nature brings to people. and i am here to recognize how handsome the little things that you never notice that the world has given to us all.

again, i am here, just to simply live.
and the way i choose to live it, that is what is amazing.

Fill your cup till it runs over, Then share the overflow.

Remember it is not always what Carol has behind the curtain, sometimes it is what Jay has in the box.

I don't have a philosophy, I just drown in the endless ocean of time.