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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you are an atheist, do you accept the thought and possibility that when you d

Question:a box as if you never existed for the rest of your life? I mean even though you exist, when you die, it doest really matter.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: a box as if you never existed for the rest of your life? I mean even though you exist, when you die, it doest really matter.

With all apologies, your question needs to be clarified. For instance, you can't be in a box "for the rest of your life" after you die if there is no afterlife.

I'm going to assume that you are wondering whether atheists accept the possibility that after they die, they'll spend the rest of their bodily existence rotting in a pine box, i.e. a coffin.

As an atheist, I have no trouble accepting this. It's not as if I'll feel myself rotting: my mind, the part of me that matters, will not exist at all once I'm dead. But I don't want to leave a mess behind me, so I'm being cremated after I die.




Yup....same as everyone else......worm food.

Yes. I agree. When you die, that's it. You no longer exist. And you're right, when you die it doesn't really matter, except hopefully you did a few good things in your life and had some fun. Otherwise, that's about it.

atheists are only able to think about one life; their own. that's why they can't understand an afterlife, because they live only here on the material plane, which is finite and doomed. if they are only a product of material reality, they won't even have the box, they will simply be swept away like dust, or ground back into the earth from which they came.

No. I'm going to be cremated.

I'm not quite an atheist, but I'm almost one ... and if atheists are right, then after you die you're in exactly the same condition you were in before you were born.

I know that no life anywhere matters at all, much less MY death.

I have come to terms with that, yes.

What you fail to understand is that whether you are an atheist or not, when you die its over... poof

Well I'm agnostic but from an atheist view, I'd say its kind of like your brain is RAM on a computer... It is constantly being supplied power to hold the memory but once the power is shut off everything gets erased, so like the RAM on the computer, the person will get erased.

I am not an atheist, but I know plenty. And they totally accept death as the end. They are okay with that. In a way, it helps them make the most of this life because they don't expect more than one time around. So they do all they can to make this existence matter as much as possible. In my opinion, that is why there are atheists... in a way, they demonstrate a way of being that we can call appreciate... being really in the now and living all there is to live in this life.

I think of it like this:

When you die, you die. You're died, there's nothing more to it. You had your time on earth and now its over- for more life, then more death.

It's not a big sleep, because you're not waking up. There is no soul that is going to keep living. There is no heaven, no hell. You don't know you're in a box because you're dead and when you're dead nothing matters to you one way or another.

In a way, it makes life all the more valuable. Also stressful. We're limited here on earth and we have to use our time wisely.

You'll only exist in people's memories after dead. At least that's what I think.

Deep thoughts...

"My young son asked me what happens after we die. I told him we get buried under a bunch of dirt and worms eat our bodies. I guess I should have told him the truth - that most of us go to Hell and burn eternally - but I didn't want to upset him."