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Position:Home>Philosophy> What Personality traits do You look for in a...Mate?

Question:...definitely not a "me...person" and high maintenace, easy to listen to and a willingness to dare and share a life together...

thanks for sharing...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...definitely not a "me...person" and high maintenace, easy to listen to and a willingness to dare and share a life together...

thanks for sharing...

Sexy, sense of humor, similar interests, emotionally and physically available, caring, interested in keeping the relationship, not a user.


and then..
there is thoughtfullness...
and rationality...
and kindness (as in caringness)
and definitely NOT A HYPOCRITE...

Well, for a good match you also need to look at character traits and shared values. I realize that my friends are always people I respect and who respect me. That respect is always based upon the fact that there are values we have in common and consider to be a priority -- kind of like an unwritten code.

When I met my husband, I knew what those values were to qualify as a "friend" and what specific character traits I desired in my husband.

So friend values: compatible views on God, how to treat people, work ethic, what's important in life (like family & education), what's fun in life (like traveling and reading).

Character traits for spouse: Similar views toward the above + compatible views on money, life goals (children or no children), where you want to live, how much time you spend with family, and had to have SAME view on relationship with God ("equally yoked"), great listener, loving, empathetic, generous, no anger issues, etc. Is this someone you can trust with your life? Because that's what marriage is.

Once those criteria are met, then look for personality traits you desire. For example, for me they were affectionate, analytical, silly at home, serious when necessary, easy-going

Luckily, I haven't had to compromise on any of the items on my "wish list."

I′m like you...which at times turns out to be a problem for my husband. He thinks I′m too selfish. might be true...
Ok so what I look for in a partner is: honesty, selflessness, intelligence, hard-working, loving...In the looks departmente I am flexible...he doesn′t have to be a model, you know. If I feel loved, it works for me!

Someone who's not afraid to take a chance, but who takes responsibility for his actions. He doesn't have to be good looking, but he'd better have a terrific sense of humor if he's going to live with ME. Oh, and if he's independently wealthy, that would be a big plus.


Honesty , kindness ,and spirit .

Understanding. Understand we're different. Understand I'm not perfect, I can make a mistake. Understand my actions.....

If you don't, ask some questions so I thing that make everything go through.