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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe there are instances when violence is acceptable?

Question:Is violence *ever* acceptable? Why?
What kind of situations do you think warrent violence?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is violence *ever* acceptable? Why?
What kind of situations do you think warrent violence?

Self defence, or the defence of others. When someone decides to use violence against you or someone near you, wrongly, you should be able to neutralise it with an appropriate show of force.

yes, according to saint thomas.......... it is called the double effect!

Yes, of course. Defending yourself, your family or an innocent from harm. Defending your country or home....

Might makes right. To the victor go the spoils. The winner writes the history.

If you ever need to retaliate in violence when somebody you care about is being harmed.

Or for a woman or any child to bite, scratch, stab their way out of rape.

Walk softly but carry a big stick.

yes, theres alot of situations were violence is acceptable and prefered

Yes. Sad, but true.

I don't plan on just standing there peacefully when someone is stabbing me... it's just not how I roll.

Though I would say that most situations never NEED any violence, and hopefully one could find ways around the situation. The best way to avoid a fight is not to be there in the first place.

Random thought... as a fan of boxing and MMA, I think voluntary (all parties involved of their own free will) violence is acceptable.

Only in defense. Then keep "defending" till there is no more violence.

Not at all.
Mature people never adopt violence.
From time immemorial, all divine Educators keep on teaching love, tolerance, forgiveness. None of Them allow violence or vengeance.
Social institutions must impartially take charge of order according to law.


Yes of course - if some crazy gunman takes hostages in a bank robbery or something, it is appropriate to shoot that person. If someone breaks into our home with the intent to rob and kill us, it is proper to shoot them dead - what else? Let them do their crime against us?

I think violence is always acceptable to stop violence being done against us. I don't know that it is ever proper against people not committing violence against us - although violence against us must include plotting to blow us up later, etc.

yes at some point and time whether it is for family honour or in the defence of someone who cannot stick up or defend themselves.I have worked as a bouncer at many clubs and have seem a lot of crap especially in the parking lot,if it was a one on one fight let them go at it ,if the guy is down and the other doesn't let up that's when you go in or if the odds are overwhelming you go in to even things up.