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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you do when your so sad, and angry, and empty feeling TODAY, and yet you

Question:or go to someone that has no special understanding of anything that is real in your life and isn't even actually aware of what may be going on in your life? How do you keep people from taunting and torturing you so that they can tell you that you may need some "treatment" or some mood and mind altering pills? Or do you just go along with the crowd and suck it all up and take it all in and accept it? Would be interesting to get some good and honest answers to this question if I could? Please and thank you to those that answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: or go to someone that has no special understanding of anything that is real in your life and isn't even actually aware of what may be going on in your life? How do you keep people from taunting and torturing you so that they can tell you that you may need some "treatment" or some mood and mind altering pills? Or do you just go along with the crowd and suck it all up and take it all in and accept it? Would be interesting to get some good and honest answers to this question if I could? Please and thank you to those that answer.

You beat one of them so bad in front of a crowd and you will never be messed with again.

i noticed you asked this question three times. the other two categories are perfect for this question (Mental Health, and Psychology). you made a mistake posting it in philosophy :)

Well, Basically, life sucks. Thats the most frank and ob vious way to put it. Everyone feels like crap..anndd everybody says that it goes away.
I'll be honest, that feeling of saddness and emptyness and anger, it never reall leaves. Nobody ever feels completely content, worry free, happy, whatever. Nobody can always feel ike that. People are fake. Most people smile..when they're not smiling on the inside... You can explain to a bajillion people how you feel and I bet, only about 5 will actually know what you're talking about..and as the the other bajillion, they';ll say, oh! you'll be okey..and they'll give you all that bullshit that theropists and physcitrists and "help" people will give you.

Writing, music, walking, drawing...different things work for different people, some people like to calm down and relax and get their thuings fixed on their own through writing..some escape through music and drawing.. Some people just need the out doors where everything's full of love and perfectness....
Some people just have to sit there and think...and yet, theres some, who just need somebody to talk to. Like i said before, different things work for different people.. but take it from somebody who's been in that e xact same boat... i wont lie and say things get better on their own..or that life is just gonna be hard but has to get better... its only gonna get better if you want it to..if you let it..if you TRY and make it better.

It is most important to know who you are and believe in yourself. One of the surest ways is to believe in God, trust in him. (sounds corny) Well, why not try it through sincere prayer asking for guidance and peace of mind. I guarantee if you look deeper into that spirit we all have, you will get divine help. God loves you and will answer your prayer.

invest in not listen to what they say...just go on and keep some physical proud of yourself..attend seminars...participate in social some something rather than standing still.


Lose the crowd, their purpose is to conform you not relieve you. Taking a pill sucks and won't solve the problem. The best way out of pain today is some exercise, mental stimulation and then a nap, sleep is like glue for the mind. When you are feeling better write down what is bothering you. Then make a list of personal assets and liabilities (equal lists no more than ten of each) and start to lose the negs and promote the pos. Write down how you feel and what you did every day for a while and review this emotional diary, you will learn a lot about yourself and what affects you. See a therapists if your pain won't leave, psychotherapy is like the doormat to enlightenment.

peace and love


1-800-525-LOVE for prayer

1-800-232-6459 ask for Counseling dept.


Plush animal hug.


Call a friend.

Write a diary entry.

Patience, wait til tomorrow, get a good night's sleep, pray for guidance, protection, and healing.

Read a verse in the Bible (e.g., Saint John, Psalms).

Read other's writings about their ways, for insight and guidance:
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph.D.
"Emotions," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.,
"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,
"Men in White Apparel" and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,
"Paths of Light and Darkness," Mark Prophet.


New clothes.

Help other people.

Play with pet.


Play and/or listen to classical/other uplifting music.

Take some good, relaxed, deep breaths.

Make a tasty meal.


Clean some corner of house.

Make lists :)

You are in charge of the way you feel. You decide if you will be happy or sad. You create the reality around you. Look past the worlds distraction, look into yourself, love and be happy. Sometimes it's just that simple, but we make it complicated.

Life doesn't suck, its awesome, do you understand how amazing it is that you can see, hear, touch, interact and comprehend the world around you? The fact that you are the product of billions of years of evolution and thousands of generations before you, going all the way back to the beginning?

There are many, many, many, millions if not billions of people who have had far worse conditions to live in and people around them - yet they survived so you could draw breath today. You owe it to them to carry on.

Here's another dimension - we are on a small rock in the middle of a vast, apparently limitless universe. You can really get a perspective of this by looking at something like a size comparison of this planet to other things in the universe:

Basically, life is awesome, its amazing you are alive, and there are things out there which can boggle your mind if you just spend the time thinking about it. Find something you like and go for it, there's nothing out there you can't do if you put your mind to it.

Also check this out


First of Belive in your Self. secound listen to some music... or try some sort of meditation of any kind... like taking long walks at the park or the beach by yourself and clear your mind....