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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible to believe in everything?

Question:No. Belief has an equal opposite. In order to believe in anything you necessarily have to dis-believe in anything that contradicts that belief. What good is belief for anyway? Why not keep an open mind? I have found only one thing worth believing in, and that is "learning". Because of it's ever-changing nature there is no need for dis-belief.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No. Belief has an equal opposite. In order to believe in anything you necessarily have to dis-believe in anything that contradicts that belief. What good is belief for anyway? Why not keep an open mind? I have found only one thing worth believing in, and that is "learning". Because of it's ever-changing nature there is no need for dis-belief.

if you want to

i dont see why not


No, you do not know everything, so you could not believe in that which you do not know of. Just remember that there are unknown unknowns.

Some people do.

Sure. Idiots do this all the time.

Not coherently.

no, only because many people believe that their beliefs are the ONLY correct beliefs ... so if you believe in that, you technically cant say that you believe in anything else, without flat out lying.

It's your choice to believe or not.


somethings oppose each other.. if u believe in both ull get a huge headache..

? uh okay

No, I don't think it is. Even if you tried, one thing you'd believe in would contradict something else.

It's possible. But it's a very bad idea.

You mean like Agnosticism?

Some things are mutually exclusive. You cannot believe that God is the only diety and also believe in Vishnu.

If you believe your football team is the best, you cannot believe another football team is also the best. If you believe NASA put a man on the moon, you cannot also believe the Apollo moon landings were faked... etc etc.

I don't see how you could. If you believed in everything you would believe that both sides of a situation are correct.

it is up to you .. make ur choose


Yes, I think anything is possible. Where there a is will, there is a way.

No. If you were to believe in everything, then you inversely would not believe in the idea of you not believing everything.

you can only believe in everything if you know of everything.


But religion is an ancient way of explaining the occurances in the world, such as how humans came to be.
But now religion is a segregation. There is prejudice and violence because of religion. So you can do good by not being Christian, aethist, agnostic, Jewish, Scientist, Buddhist, Hindi, or any other relgion.
Just be you.

u can believe in whatever you want but is it realistic the thing ur believeing in is another question like we all know that santa, easter bunny, elfs etc are all fake

Unlikely. Can you believe the moon landing was a Hollywood production to extort taxpayer dollars, and still believe Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon? Can you believe Elvis died of a drug overdose, and still believe he's still alive? Can you believe the world is flat and still sail around the world? I have heard of "yes" men who agree with everything, but do they really believe it. Unlikely.

Hey ya…

It is actually easy to believe in everything because that’s the smartest and dumbest thing one can do.

Smart because in future you don’t have to hold urself responsible for the mishap if any.

Dumb because if you are going to believe everything then where are your analytical and reasoning skills. You are being a stupid.

Conclusion: You can believe but would one like to be called dumb?????


You cannot believe in things that contradict each other. Acting on opposing beliefs makes you a hypocrit.

You can, however, be skeptical of the reality of all things and never put your faith completely in any of them. There is no law that one should HAVE to believe in any religion, but by logic you couldn't claim to b a member of all religions.

That doesn't mean you can't study them all skeptically. Maybe you'll find one that you can undeniably attribute yourself to.

well christians have beliefs that contradict other things they believe in, so if they can do it, why not you

Yes!!!!! Because Santa and the boogey man are taking me on a magic carpet ride over the Milky way where the aliens are attacking Mars and the Martians are going to invade Earth and the magical faries are going to burn out soon and . . .

Well, maybe not everything. That's one twisted fairy tale! I believe that every myth is believeable to some people, but I don't believe that one person can believe in everything. I could be wrong, of course, and I am trying to be open-minded, but I think that the person would explode. Very interesting question!