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Position:Home>Philosophy> How deep is your passion?

Question:Without passion, then life is worthless. It's passion that makes us so dedicated to those we love and the things that excite us. How deep? As deep as we want it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Without passion, then life is worthless. It's passion that makes us so dedicated to those we love and the things that excite us. How deep? As deep as we want it.

3 1/2 feet...not too awful deep.


Deep. Very deep. But I can rise to the surface quite quickly.

to the bone, i never do anything halfassed because i like to learn and experience and love everything that i do or else i feel like i am wasting my time. the quote "i wish that i knew what i know now when i was younger" drives my passion immensly deep.

It's very deep. I dont think I can describe it. Sometimes I wish I could control it especially being where I am right now.

Without passion, there is no depth. The depth of your passion is directly related to the degree or your success.

My passion is like a deep well that resides within my soul. My passion is like the deep end of the ocean in that is remains completely unexplored and without real definition. My passion is who I was, who I am and who I will always be. My passion is me.

I explore the mysteries of the unknown very passionately.
(how else will I know myself within the context of all that is)?
Passion is often the Fuel that drives Intent.
The deeper it goes....the further it gets.

Very deep. Sometimes I drown in it.

Only skin deep, like beauty, I have to say. I'm really rather shallow that way.....

last time i measured, it was 6 feet...
