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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do u know any Americans who have been betrayed by their steadfast belief in the

Question:internet articles PLEASE

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: internet articles PLEASE

We've all been betrayed.

In the 80s I became a 'Constitutionalist' accidentally by beginning to study in the law library trying to figure out what happened to some of my rights. What a trip! I discovered that my steadfast belief in the American Dream had been betrayed before I was born.

I had believed that a big part of the American Dream had to do with individual rights.

Like being sovereign on your own land, etc. But you don't own your own land. Property Tax, Wetland laws, Zoning, and the recent Supreme Court decision on eminent domain finally killed it.

Individual Rights: I think the Patriot Act has put the final nail in that coffin.

I eventually concluded that America has been over for some time. If you've ever seen Bonanza, Ben Cartwright was the last free man in America. He could use his 'public right of way' (road) without a license, exercise his 2nd Amend rights, had real money and not this "note" paper stuff, enjoyed his 'right to contract', didn't need a business license, what he earned was his, no income tax.

We've all been betrayed. The American Dream any more is just propaganda. Much to my sorrow.

sure, every single american soldier that has died in Iraq

No. Americans who pursue the American Dream do not feel betrayed. Only idle minds and bodies consider betrayal as an excuse for non-fulfillment.