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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you pro-choice and why or why not?

Question:just curious

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just curious

Pro-Choice. "Because a persons a person, no matter how small........."

definately pro-choice. but it's not a substitution for regular birth control methods.

is this jsut a broad question? or are we talking about pregnancy here? (comment above)

anyway obviously pro-choice. This is the modernworld. If there wasn't choice and 'goodwill' there'd be a lot more evil capable than ever before in history. People these days are too smart to folow anyone around liek blind sheep. So obviously we're all for choice, and freedom of speech and all that stuff.

Why would anyone want to not be able to choose what to think and do?

As far as I'm concerned it is not her body to make the decision on. It is another body and she is obligated to the body she has conceived. Within the woman's body is another human being and the woman has her own body. She has the responsibility to carry the body to full term and birth into this world. She has no right to make such a permanent decision such as abortion for another entity! NO RIGHT!
She has an obligation to see to it that the body she is responsible for is to be taken care of.
I don't care what arguments the woman uses as an excuse, the point is " it is not her body "! It is the body of another human being she is making the decision on.
If the woman does not want to be faced with that decision then practice a very strong method of birth control or abstain.........

I am pro-choice. I don't advocate abortions, nor do I contest them. I simply think a woman should at least have the legal right to choose an abortion if she wants. But as another answerer said, it shouldn't be used instead of birth control, or take it's place. Who are we to object if a woman wants an abortion? Why should we demand that if a woman gets pregnant, she must have the baby? (assuming the pregnancy isn't life threatening.) If we don't have control over what is or isn't done to our bodies, then what do we have control over? And when did a potential life become more important than one that is already living and breathing?

I dislike abortion but I don't see myself as enough of a moral authority to tell someone else what to do with their own body.

I'm not sure what that makes me other than someone smart enough to mind my own business.

Love and blessings Don

You have to give cognisense to the fact that late term abortions involve the horrific pain of being ripped apart for the foetus/baby. I'm against surgical abortion methods. I waver on medical abortion methods except in cases where the foetus/baby is born and is left to die in clinic/hospital "care."

no, I have no right to take a life. I cannot create, nor sustain life so I cannot take it. We tend to destroy life at its weakest point, the young and the old. Sad...........

Was your mom pro-choice?