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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you inclined to search where there is more light?

Question:or do you tend to search where there is a greater chance that you will find what you are looking for?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: or do you tend to search where there is a greater chance that you will find what you are looking for?

With me it doesn't matter. I can turn lights on, move things around, etc., and still somehow not see something that's right there if it isn't exactly where I expect it to be. Three feet away can be critical. I thought I left some cleaning spray in my bathroom, but it wasn't in the cabinet, it was on the window ledge. So I didn't see it, even though the bathroom was well -lit. But I guess the real answer, is that I look where I expect something to be, not where the most light is.

No, I search and stumble in the dark.

I always look in the shadows

Your text says the answer. Search both in the obvious lighted areas or in the dark corners where the boogie man can get you.

My son: Search briefly, then ask Mom or dad to find it.
My daughter: It's lost forever, buy me a new one.
My wife: It's just where I put it, if you'd put your own stuff away, you'd know where it is.
Me: Spend a week digging through every dark corner and illogical place to find something I needed a week ago, then when I find it in the most obvious place, I put it in what I feel is a safe place for the future, never to be seen again. ITS HOPELESS!!!

Why do you compare light and chance? I think I would go to the greater chance though, to answer your question.