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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the one thing you can give, that you must keep?

Question:Your word i.e. a promise

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your word i.e. a promise

Your heart

Hope, my friend. Hope.




you don't have anything in the first place. how can you give it? you just have yourself, but It's not something you necesarily need to keep.


I would have to say life.
Because, you can give life, as in have a baby, but you need to keep your own.

(I like lotus_...'s, too!)

Your word.. as in Truth

Give the gift of cooperation, but only when appropriate.
Give the gift of wise advice ,but only at the right time and when asked for
Give the gift of trust, but only when earned.
Give the gift of letting go, but you must keep your tears back when you do.

Forgiveness, you give it, but you have to "keep" conscious of it, it's never one final action, it is constantly forgiving another each time those old feelings of resentment or anger return.

Your love. The more you give, the more you have to give.

Just One???
Love, heart, trust...yupp all good answer, but i choose......a Smile.

For a smile is sacred and is ment to be shared : )

Peace and Love to all

herpes, HIV, hepatitis... any of the incurable viruses