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Position:Home>Philosophy> As long as you are alive, there is hope. Do you aggree?

Question:No, I don't agree that this is a universal truth. Hope can fade away easily depending on your physical or mental shape, and being alive does not ensure that it will always remain. Take for instance those people who are terminally ill. While some of them may remain hopeful, there are always those that will accept their fate and give up on hoping for a cure.

Likewise, look at suicide victims or people unhappy with life. Hope can be lost, and in these situations people choose "door number 3" as I say - the unknown. Perhaps making this choice is actively hoping for something better to come after death but again this is all personal interpretation.

I wish all people could have and maintain hope in their hearts, but it simply is not true for the most desperate of us out there.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No, I don't agree that this is a universal truth. Hope can fade away easily depending on your physical or mental shape, and being alive does not ensure that it will always remain. Take for instance those people who are terminally ill. While some of them may remain hopeful, there are always those that will accept their fate and give up on hoping for a cure.

Likewise, look at suicide victims or people unhappy with life. Hope can be lost, and in these situations people choose "door number 3" as I say - the unknown. Perhaps making this choice is actively hoping for something better to come after death but again this is all personal interpretation.

I wish all people could have and maintain hope in their hearts, but it simply is not true for the most desperate of us out there.

Yes. And I agree too.


However, my eternal hope also lies in my eventual death, and nothing here can compare to that.

But while we are here, there is ALWAYS hope.
You should read what the Bible says about hope.

Yes I completely agree, as no one knows what the future holds; things may take a positive turn around.
There is always hope =)

It is so true it is a tautology. It's like saying, as long as I'm alive I can breathe, or take baths. As long as I'm alive I can also lose hope, but once I'm dead I can do nothing.
So yeah, I agree. It's such a sure thing, it's more sure than the sun will rise tomorrow.

Alive...yes...but have you ever looked into the eye's of a lost soul? Scarry when their dead already but still keep walking around!

"Hope is the denial of reality". I'm not sure where this quote comes from but I tend to agree with it. Not in the pessimistic, "only suckers have hope", kind of way but more of the "this too will pass" impermanence from Buddhist Philosophy way.

I guess the question is "hope for what"? Anytime we're hoping for something, we're not living in the present moment and accepting it for what and how it truly is.

No,you can lose hope at a young age.I lost it at 25,and that was 11 yrs.ago.When nothing ever goes right,or works out,and rejection is the rule of the day,you just give up and stop hoping for things to get better,since you know they never will.

No, there is no hope if you are in the terminal stages of a very painful illness.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.