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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there anything U value more than your point of view?

Question:or would u sell yourself out to: fit in, for a free ride, for money, power, submit to a higher power, knowledge, etc,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: or would u sell yourself out to: fit in, for a free ride, for money, power, submit to a higher power, knowledge, etc,

there is nothing more important to me than to be the person I chose to be... I learned a long time ago, that there is a difference between thinking for yourself and being told what to think... I worked very hard to think for myself, therefore I respect my point of view more than anything, cause I feel that most people are given into what others think for them first

There are many things more valuable than my own point of view.

The lives and well-being of my family.
The continued existence of my country.
The continued existence of life on Earth.
The right of all people to express *their* own points of view.

Acknowledging priorities higher than one's own beliefs does not necessarily entail selling out.


To be understood and known and then to be forgiven for what I am and what I am not.

No I cannot think of anything more precious than my mind, intellect and imagination. Liberty love and peace ..

I have yet to chance upon a higher power that wasn't, upon close inspection merely big, large or taller. And yet there are lowly persons in the world, none as worse as I ...

Probably my sanity, without it my POV is pointless

Principals . With out these and our / my standing up for them what would I be ?