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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which would you most want answered? Who am I? What is the meaning of life? What

Question:All three, the meaning of life is dictated by what we believe happens when we die, and how we live our life is defines who we are in this world. If we didn't worry about what happens when we die we would live our lives without care. That would change our perspective on the meaning of life. If we had no black and white areas with how we lived ours lives it would severely change how we lived our lives which would impact who we are.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: All three, the meaning of life is dictated by what we believe happens when we die, and how we live our life is defines who we are in this world. If we didn't worry about what happens when we die we would live our lives without care. That would change our perspective on the meaning of life. If we had no black and white areas with how we lived ours lives it would severely change how we lived our lives which would impact who we are.

what happens when I die? Do I swear there ain't no heaven and pray there ain't no hell.

I think what is the meaning of life as I am pretty sure I know who I am and I will find out what happens when I die, when I die.

well the meaning of life.. is to live
so I don't really care about that
Im not really interested in what happens when we die
there's nothing we can do about whatever it is
so I guess I would want to know who i am

who am i? because people spend their whole llife trying to figure out who they are.

i know the answer to all 3

None of them :) I know who I am, I have given meaning to my life, and I know physically what happens when we die. I do not believe in any of the monotheistic religions, and quite frankly I'm more concerned with living than with what happens afterwards. I think we all put too much thought into it, to be honest. We won't know until it happens, and I think that is just fine. What if we did not like the answer? What good would that do?

who am I. answer: nothing More then what you see before you

None of the Above. -Because none of those is Important. What IS, is; "What Difference does it make?" (And the ANSWER is- it DOESN'T. We're HERE -NOW- & wondering about it- isn't going to change a THING.). :)

None of the above. I would rather live life to it's fullest without knowing any of these answers.

i know all 3...

1. who am i?.... i am blackstudio
2. what is the meaning of life? BE
3. what happens when i die?...i will leave this body,and fly on my soul into the next life

if you stop,breath... and feel the present moment you will feel your true BEING

None of the above. I know who I am. The answer to life, the universe and everything is: 42. When I die, I'll simply no longer be HERE, in this life as we know it. So, the answer to your question is: none of the above. My biggest question I want answered is this: what's for dinner and where will I get the money to pay for it?

i would want to know who i am. i know the meaning of my life. and i will find out someday what happens after we die so that is the only question i don't have an answer for.

I would most want to answer your question (if there were at all a question!) just to let you know & to share our views with others. The 3 questions you mentioned above are seperately answered & resolved severaaaaaal times in this forum.

because I found the answer Who AM I, I have found the meaning of my life.... because i am at peace with myself.. I can 'accept there is no life after death.. I do not fear dying knowing I have no intentions of dying with regret... Every day is an opportunity to do the things I wish I'd done...

They really arn't all that difficult when you really think about them. Honestly I would prefer the question "Why doesn't anyone else know this stuff" to be a little bit more informative.

what happens when we die.pray 2 god that he may remove hell.................................

could I insert why did you make me? What am I here for? why am I still here?

The first one because it help you to know yourself and help you answer the question no. 2.