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Position:Home>Philosophy> Just because?

Question:something is written or taught to us, is it justified to consider it as "known"? If the person did not experience the act, is it still considered unknown? Just because it is said to be known to man must we believe and consider it as so or must we experience it ourselves?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: something is written or taught to us, is it justified to consider it as "known"? If the person did not experience the act, is it still considered unknown? Just because it is said to be known to man must we believe and consider it as so or must we experience it ourselves?

You're asking about "Blind Faith" right?

Well, I have faith that Neil Armstrong did land on the moon based off of information passed by other humans (written, TV, Radio, and Internet). I don't feel compelled to find a way to the moon myself to prove that "I" can walk on the moon.

However, there are the doubters who believe that the moonwalks were just a stunt that was filmed in Hollywood. Sure they give compelling evidence measuring the shadows (of film), lack of viewing footprints & stuff though a telescope ... etc-etc-etc ... but I think these ppl are just nay-sayers.

Even more comical is those who if were given a chance to walk on the moon would contest this as being a govt. ploy using simulators, and science to create a experience "Like" walking on the moon. IMO, these ppl have serious issues ... 4 sure!!!

So, in conclution ... yes, just because is often a great reason to believe. Imagine how insain I'd be if I had to have full knowledge of everything I used in life (toilets, cars, planes, internet, microwaves, and how the mind works).

you cannot learn something unless you already know it

there are some things that can be taught... educational system

and there are some things that can only be experienced... love

thiss is kinda weird i guess things just happen..kiddo

Well, that's the cool thing about language - we can pass experience to somebody who hasn't had that experience.

You don't have to believe anything if you don't want to.

not all things must be experienced such as war, we try to lean against it but there are those who want to go to war and be a soilder. Yet manythings are experience by humans and are not recorded(thus unknown to us) only that is 'important' to those in power is it recorded and considered known. Its just a point of view.