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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that Stillness is not of this world????Then where is it ???


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: everywhere

here... listen... be aware... now.

Stillness is innate in children, lost in adolescence and a figment of the adult mind. However, it can be re-discovered through practice and hard work. Meditate, exercise, eat right and learn to let go. You'll find stillness inside of yourself.

Stillness isnt around but stillness comes within yourself. Its in the world but within each of us..Stillness is quite before the storm..Stillness is an interaction that we only can find.

Yes it is in my soul = mind . That is my world.

I agree with Tat

It is omnipresent. Maybe not OF this world but certainly IN it.

Your question suggests that stillness is of the world of form and thus has a location. It is the mind that tries to locate, categorize and define. Stillness is not of the mind nor of the world of form. Stillness is the door to that which is formless, timeless and infinite.

I think we can have stillness here as much as we can have chaos, is the choice not really our own? Thanks.

There are still places in this world where we can find stillness and silence but they are becoming harder to find. The dessert there is still the stillness and in the ocean or maybe a river bank if the birds are not singing or an airplane does not fly by. Since the population has exploded so much it may be almost impossible in our future to find a place of stillness and silence. Like right now there is someones motor sounding off and gee an airplane just flew over. It is really hard to find the stillness in ones home any more. Something is always making a sound.

"Be still and know I am"

All stillness is within our center, as noise revolves around us.
Compared to the eye of a storm.

Stillness comes from knowing . But, who knows?

Be still to rediscover the inner child and inner peace within you. Be changing to embrace new experiences and change.

The state of the egoless observer in the Now.

Simple awareness of being.

Stillness is within us.

"Be still and know that I am"

The circle connects us.

Hence, Stillness is everywhere,,,,to those awakened.

Stillness is of this World, if it wasn't then how did we get to know about it?

The mathematician-philosopher Franklin Merrell-Wolff notes in his "Experience and Philosophy" that "Relative consciousness deals with the objective material but never finds the 'thread' as an object. Yet it is that 'thread' that renders all else possible."

"Stillness" is like Nirvana, Being beyond the negative perception of the Void; the Void is like the "thread."

If you believe that stillness and silence are the same thing, or closely related, then the answer is simple. All sound occurs against a background of silence. You can feel it from the stars. The moon is very silent. All you have to do is to listen to the space between the notes.

No, I don't think " Stillness" is of this world. Rather it's of the "Spirit" of the soul/mind. It requires nothing physical or worldly. It's all in meditation, concentration, things of the calmness of the soul/heart.

Stillness would be found in the hearts and minds of those whom practice this form of meditation.

Usually could be found in the believers of Jesus Christ.


It is of this world. It is within everybody.

yes...I believe so.


it is of this world and it is in the mind

Rearrange the question and it works better.

This world/universe is a product of the stillness.

The stillness is not in the world the world exists within the stillness. Sort of like a raucous dream in the middle of infinite peace.

The stillness is all that is really real.

Love and blessings Don