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Position:Home>Philosophy> Life is "sinners' heaven" ? Y/N ?

Question:Yes,Life is sinner's heaven but it is also the opening door to Hell.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes,Life is sinner's heaven but it is also the opening door to Hell.

yes it is because we live in a world of sin and we are surrounded by it everyday and everywhere we go its like a fat person at a buffet there it is im fat why not eat it so yes

THIS WORLD is a sinners heaven

and for christians it a world of temptations and desires we try to stay away from and sometimes we are engulfed in to this world


Congratulation Gypsyday...

Well, there will be NO sin in heaven. Sin is an abomination to God. We're all sinners because of Adam & Eve. God created us with free will & we choose what paths we take.

To call anything Heaven but the actual heaven is total blasphemy. Nothing can compare with what Heaven will be. As far as I'm concerned, Earth is Hell but nothing like the actual Hell. People don't take it seriously that one day we'll all be judged and those cast into hell will be sorry for joking, etc.

It depends if you believe in the concept of 'sin' but still... wouldn't the sinner's ultimate 'heaven' be hell? Though sin is everywhere in the world, the Spirit is also everywhere. I guess you can say it's a mixture of both. But in hell, it's not a mixture. It's just sinner's 'paradise', if its even possible to describe it that way.

it's strange. Let's say: we are sinners - then why ...umm animals aren't? This is nature of animal, it do things --- and the same things done by human are sins. Then: do we are sinners and this world is sinners heaven ---- or: this is our nature?

LIFE is the one and only Heaven, except for those who hate themselves and therefore kill innocents (the only ones able to enjoy Earth) to get a relief they do never reach (in the name of GOD and His Divine Justice, naturally). Christ said Our Lord's not a God of the dead but of the living: we all are alive TODAY.