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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think its right that we have to die?

Question:I have always thought it was horrible that we were created to live a short while and then be made to die. The human body heals itself for everything else, why can't it continue to heal itself and we just go on. That is why I know God deliberately intended for us not to heal after a certain age, he wants us to die, I am not being blasphemous I just don't think its right to give something so precious and then take it away from us and expect us to except it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have always thought it was horrible that we were created to live a short while and then be made to die. The human body heals itself for everything else, why can't it continue to heal itself and we just go on. That is why I know God deliberately intended for us not to heal after a certain age, he wants us to die, I am not being blasphemous I just don't think its right to give something so precious and then take it away from us and expect us to except it.

I think it is right. Everything else has to die, why should humans be excluded? I think that we, as a species, have a bit of a complex and feel at least a little more superior than we should. Without death, there is no life. I think that there's a bit of beauty to that. I'm not being morbid; it is a fact that decomposition after death feeds new life. If you see death as a necessary step, it is still sad to lose a loved one, but you know that in the grand scheme of things it was a necessary sacrifice. That makes it a little easier for me.

If people lived forever, we would not exist. The world could not handle all of the humans that have been born over the years. So I suppose it is a matter of asking whether you would have wanted the first humans to live forever, and to not exist- or, have everyone live out their normal lifetime, including yourself.

I do not believe in any monotheistic god, so I don't see it as a gift given and then taken away. It is the circle of life. It is the workings of the world. It is beautiful and necessary.

the life we have here on earth is nothing compared to what is waiting for us in heaven sweetie.I understand how you feel though i used to feel that way too.Live life to the fullest and no regrets!Death is part of life!

i think it is because when u cant die that means ur invincible and noone is allowed to be invinciable because they would challenge god.

we never die eternally

if you believe in God, then you must believe in life after death, you must believe that we have a soul. so we won't die.

If you believe we don't have a soul, then you're right, and our life is just a spark of light between two eternal darknesses.

not only our life, but life itself is just a joke. a moment of delusional hope for insignificant protein chains who call themselves homo sapiens. who were trapped inside a blue speck of dust in the middle of nothing

No, not really.

The fact that I'm moving now is more than enough for me.

Imagine how crappy it would be if EVERYBODY lived forever. We don't really heal ourselves. We just scar. Just be happy with what you got.

We are given the gift of life so that we can give the same gift to others. That is our purpose.

If no one were to die, the world would be so overpopulated because everyone would be giving birth to new people that there would be so much more suffering in this world than there already is.

As an atheist, I'm not really sure how to address your paragraph without us simply talking past each other. However, I will answer your title question:

Yes, I think we do have the right to die, but those who would chose to exercise that right are almost never competent to make that choice as it is presumptively irrational. Someone may feel like they are rationally making that choice, but most people who do so are not rational, regardless of whether or not they think otherwise. Thus, I only think it should be permitted in the case where a licensed counselor certifies that the person making the decision is competent to do so, which would be essentially impossible except in cases of terminal illness.

Would you seriously want to live forever? I wouldn't. Plus, if we didn't die, the earth would become overpopulated.

Life is not hear this is more like a dream a taring ground to learn the lessens here read seat of the sole by Garry Zocoff if will make you feel better about life and death another good one is why bad thing happen to good people its Written buy a rabie

God only intended this life to be a temporary one. We will all live in eternally somewhere after death.

We are on a short mission to accomplish a task that is not always apparent to us. With or without knowledge, we perform our task and move on only to be replaced by others who fill in behind us. That is the plan.

Well, my Mother died at the age of 71, one grandmother died at the age of 81, and my other grandmother died at the age of 91. I think they all lived a pretty long life. I do not see anything wrong with death. I can see your point of view concerning pets like a dog or cat. I have deeply loved my pets and I do not understand why pets have such a shorter life span. But, people live longer every year with our modern medicine. I am OK with my Mother's death and my two grandmother's as I feel that they are at peace and have all of eternity in a perfect world. Thanks for your view.

I think a person owns their own life and if they chose to end it they should have every right to. One of the most ridiculous things in our legal system is that suicide is illegal. So do we arrest people after their dead.......?

You might enjoy reading "Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton, "The Masters and Their Retreats" and "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, and "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves.

"The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock, makes the same point: our true self is more of another plane, and each soul-initiative or embodiment is specifically intended for certain lessons and efforts.

"Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.,
"Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D., and
"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, also make this point.

Regarding death....
"Questions from the heart, answers of Wisdom."

A young student once asked his wise teacher this question: Why does there have to be a day of destruction?
The wise teacher looked at the young student and responded: Have you not understood? The day you understand, there will be no destruction. Any other questions?

"Peace be always with you."

nobody made us for anything, there is no god.

All life on this planet has a lifespan

The earthly body is not my home...through Salvation in Christ we live forever in spirit...the "body" is just a starting point for growth and human experiences...I, for one, am looking forward to going "home" someday

i think it's horrible you are wasting your time whining instead of living. i am a carpenter and i work on huge projects like power plants, dams and underground mines. some of the things i built will last 150 years and provide electricity for 5 or 6 or 7 generations of people. get off your bum and build something. and to tell the truth when human beings listen to people like you whine we thank God we get to die. be a producer instead of a user and you will feel a lot better.

Would you really want to be stuck in a body forever?

Love and blessings Don


Have you read the first few chapters in the Bible???? Adam and Eve were designed to live forever on earth. They weren't SUPPOSED to die. BUT they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and bad, and God had already told them that they positively WOULD die if they did that.

As they had children after that, their children inherited death and sin through them.

Now, the question is, will God allow us to continue to die? Does God, in the Bible, ever refrain from fulfilling a goal? No, he does not; so why would he do so now? Why wouldn't he want us to live forever on a perfect earth?

For more information, here are some articles on the subject I'd love to suggest you read:

What Is Your Viewpoint on Death?

Death's Devastating Effect.

Will The Dead Live Again?

Do You Want To Live Forever?

Will Aging And Death Ever End?

There are many, many more articles on this subject that I hope you will enjoy. If you don't want to read them all, I would like to suggest Will Aging and Death Ever End and Death's Devastating Effect. Thanks for taking the time to read all this, hope it helps you, and have a great day!

Luv ya,
Tashi :)

I personally would love to just be able to live forever and see the progression (or regression) of the world in, say, 200 years. Unfortunately for me, however, that cannot happen. There would just be way too many people. I'm not sure about the whole life after death thing though, which really scares me. I do believe in some superior being but not exactly the Christian "God", which is also kind of scary since I have no idea what "its" plans are for me. Very interesting question though.

I know it must be so. When we age it becomes so natural to allow the young people have a turn. I look forward to finishing my days and enjoying each one of them. Its OK that nature takes its course.