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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could ask any question in the world, what would it be?

Question:why aren't you asking it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: why aren't you asking it?

Probably the one you just asked! Tee Hee! Momma Kat

Depends on what you want to learn, who you want to hear the answer from, when you want the answer, where you want to ask the question and why you want to ask it? ;) Momma Kat

y is their life plz make this a best answer

Why is G W Bush really?

Is there life after death.....
I don't ask because I dont' think anyone really knows.

Where did we all come from? Who made us? We didn't like just pop out of nowhere...

Why am I here? one can give the answer...

what's up?

What is the purpose of life?

I don't ask it because I must find the answer for myself.

Q-Will you marry me
A-Yes, what took you so long to ask me?

"JK I know it wasn't to me."

Don't be too sure about that. But I am a lot older than you are and may not be around in ten years.

Why can't people voluntarily choose to be so nice that we don't need government?

why can the doctors not find out what wrong with my health

Why do we believe that we are all so significant?

I don't ask it because even I am in denial. No identity crisis for me thanks!